Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Dead Sun Rising

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Remember were all told the sun is inactive, an ice age is coming and we are all doomed?

Not so fast bucko as there has appeared out of nowhere a sun spot, the size of earth, and it is turning toward earth, with all it's potential fury.

Massive Sunspot AR2770 Can 'severely Affect' Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

The sun is waking up after a long and quiet slumber. That kind of energy lapse portends to a violent expulsion of energy from the sun. This may not be the one, but it is like in the next few years,  there will be a Biblical scorching of the earth.

The sun's "heat" has been registering in not temperature, but in heating units felt. This year has been active in the felt cycle, and it has nothing to do with weather, this is the sun radiating heat, like a microwave.

So many events piling up on top of each other.

le sigh
