Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Warning of London's Fall brings New York plunge

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The world never did recover from the Bill Clinton recession. George W. Bush postponed a global depression after 9 11, but when Birther Hussein Obama's cronies meant to steal the election of the Presidency, the Obama Crash of 2008, was Obama's FDR moment to create a Super Depression, which the world has been teetering on.

President Donald Trump's Goldman Sachs infusion of conglomerate tax money's repatriated with huge infusions of Federal Reserve debt spending was ending the Trump Expansion when the Coronavirus was released as a biological weapon out of Wuhan China.

The death nail of what is coming has now surfaced in England, and just as it was the English financial system which Obama and his cronies went after in Anglo American finance, when England fell in 2008, the United States received the shockwave, and the Obama plunge in October 2008 erupted in US financial houses.

1/5th of the money whore British economy disappeared  this year. The English make a living off of blood sucking money out of the United States and other nations, and have a penchant for black market schemes, as they created the same shit hole system that the United States is now being sucked dry on in, "Wog consumers which enrich the 1% while the 99% are made impoverished".

This is a warning to all, England is in a recession which is as depression. The United States is in the same situation, and these Corona infusions of trillions are holding this at bay for the elections, but this is coming to the United States, no matter what the economics are of job expansion, as the Mexicans pour into the United States as illegals again.

As London falls, so does New York. The books are going to have to be wiped clean, money's stolen in war, to hide what has been looted.

Nuff Said

