Thursday, August 6, 2020

Home Security in the Age of Obama Intifada

 Oh hell, I never knew a Wiley Coyote mine would do that.......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have relative which was inquiring about security cameras to watch some property, so I made up a mock up of an aerial photo of a typical rural area and I was amazed in this Obama Intifada mob era, just how a few cameras can create an area sweep in which there really are not any blind spots a mob could sneak through.

As I was doing this, it reminded me of fields of fire in the military, which is the jargon in you set up your perimeters with trip wires, machine guns which overlap, and strategically lay in mortars or grenades. The idea is not to have a blind spot which a sapper could get into by lack of observation or in an attack, have a lane which the enemy could pour into to direct fire to your position.

In the schematic below, the red lines are the 130 degree vision a camera has, and the green line would be the motion activation line. which of course is wider than this, but with 3 cameras, if this was a machine gun nest situation. nothing could get into this area or out of this area without being dead.

I'm a firm believe in motion activated lights. You should know that modern wifi cameras also have night vision, so we are dealing with a high degree of sophistication now for hundreds of dollars which once cost security teams millions of dollars.

Urban areas are more compact than rural areas, but the same vantage points are always in play. The basis is, main line of sight, main approach and reverse or flank to mirror sight, and the infamous geometric strength of the triangle prevails in nature and defense.

In these times, there are enough of you, who should probably be thinking of security cams outside your home, as much as inside for a do it yourself project. The motion sensors will ping your phone which most of you wear like a 3rd breast, so that there is a ready alert without your sticking your head out to get the Obama chop to it.

Me I have attack turkeys who are horrid in chasing me, but they make a great deal of racket if anyone comes on the place.

Nuff Said
