Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Biden House Upon the Sand

Please let me cut your balls off and call you a woman, Bartina... 
as I promised to pick a vagina, and yours is the only one that makes sense

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Until Webster Griffin Tarpley is proven wrong in 2020 is to be the dividing the DNC into a Marxist and Nazi party to rule America, I will stay with the 1% who is manifesting the reality of this future.

What is of note though is the reports of Joe Biden is not just suffering from senility, but his condition is rapidly deteriorating, day by day.

The 1% has already made a decision, and that decision is Joe Biden was to be the weak force in a liberal party at Soviet and Reich death throws of each other, with each hating the other. I informed you in the Lincoln Union Party victory of 1864, that Lincoln squeaked out an election where instead of the Democrats being divided in two candidates, the democrats under General McClellan was divided in one candidate.
For Democrats of 1864, one wanted to end the Union at all costs, and the other wanted to end the rebellion at all costs. These two antagonists could hate Lincoln as Trump is hated, but their political reality would never mix.
Lincoln would win an electoral college landslide, but was within a few thousand votes to having had a landslide bringing an end to his reign.

McClellan like Biden was a grand believer in ideals, but was a weak candidate and a flake. McClellan chose a radical in George Pendleton in his undoing. Biden has undone himself in early promising to choose a woman, but the problem is the only woman of standing was crooked Hillary Clinton who has been rejected, and the rest of the democratic women have baggage which make Biden even more unattractive.
Ronald Reagan made a huge mistake in announcing his Vice Presidential choice early. It hurt Reagan and Joe Biden should have been counseled on this, and more to the point, Joe Biden in trying to appease the Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama communists, has a made himself look weaker and this has only made the factions of radicals even more overt.

 Monica Showalter looked at the top vice presidential candidates and dug into that problem:
Whoever Biden picks is going to represent the triumph of the represented faction over the other rivals. If Biden goes for Bass, he wants to win the Bernie-ites. If Biden goes for Rice, it's back to Obamadom and being Obama's shadow. If Biden goes for Harris, it's the Hillaryworld hog wallow, which should provide for young Hunter Biden and the rest of the family, as well as bring in the California elites. 
The Lame Cherry has a different view and that is the 1%. History has proven in election meddling, in Lincoln's twice creative victories, Richard Nixon's first win, Ronald Reagan's first win, that a 3rd party leftist candidate actually is preferred.
I don't see why Joe Biden has to be removed, as he never comes out of his hole in the ground, is going to be nominated by people scattered around the country behind their computer screens, so it is fate complete.
It would make more sense for a disgruntled candidate to arise, to carry the banner.

Biden's political epitaph is "Vote for me because I am going to die and the Vice President will be President". That kind of shallow politics brings the reality to democrats of, "Why didn't we nominate Susan Rice or Kamala Harris to begin with as Joe Biden has enough baggage to lose even to Trump?"

That was 1860 in the US elections as engineered by New England commerce with Rothschild Europeans.

In 1864, the issue was anyone but Abraham Lincoln, which appealed to McClellan's voters, but his own forced upon choice of Pendleton disrupted the entire ticket. Whatever vulva Joe Biden picks as Vice President is not unique as Walter Mondale broke that mold with the lackluster Geraldine Ferraro in trying to defeat incumbent Ronald Reagan. Gimmicks do not work in politics, as the gimmick of Obama was due to Bush family erasing 10 million Republican votes twice.

It simply does not fit for democrats to get rid of the 1% choice of Biden. Biden is supposed to lose. How he loses will be blamed on his being too moderate, meaning his Vice President was not radical enough, even if she starts pissing on White People. Trump as the victor of National Socialism, conning Evangelicals an the right, will produce the Nazi party of America as the 1% intend.
The GOP will flounder in Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney suit status in a Bill Kristol party no one will vote for.

If the 1% really want to gut the DNC, that wonderful leader from New York, in Andrew Cuomo who had a penchant for infecting geezers in institutions to kill them off would be a marvelous choice. Think of Cuomo taking New York from Biden, again fate complete for Biden. Have Cuomo choose another skirt that "Biden should have chose" in Kamala Harris in California, would probably mean Trump would take that mega state. If he chose Elizabeth Warren, then Massachusetts is taken from Biden, and the northeast weakness of the Cuomo ticket elects Trump.

The 1% is seeking to elect a Donald Trump with a house divided in democrats and in Congress as Biden is so weak, Trump will be too dynamically strong and get his MAGA instituted. There is too much world war and European ascension taking place for America to be united. America must have a host of problems at home behind her ocean fortress for the workings of the world to evolve in Eurasia.

So it comes down to the reality of how braintard Joe Biden really is. If Biden has a good day, then someone will have to be raised up to contend with Biden. If Biden is going to be drooling up his oatmeal, then a lunatic radical offending democrats is going to be enough.

I actually am enjoying the anticipation of Biden's choice being made for him. Biden is confused if you give him the choice of white socks or white socks to wear. He has been terrified he will infect himself with Coronavirus as he is certain he is a carrier, and that is why the 1% have dragged this VP pick out so long, as whoever Biden picks.........everyone is going to hate the choice and say it is proof Biden has dementia par dux.

I do not have to predict this, as Webster Griffin Tarpley already stated what would happen. This time it is enjoyable watching the master architects build Biden house upon the sand.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
