As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Today, this evening, Joe Biden withdrew from his basement bunker in hiding from Coronavirus and announced his Vice Presidential pick. It was difficult to follow the announcement, but this is what was recorded.
Today, tonight, this evening, er, ah, I ah, am here to say, tell you, say, that I have after longly, lengthy deliberations, have chosen my woman to be Vice President. I know that this will be ah, yeah, she is, and over there, you see, and as I said before, this is what will make Ivanka Trump president as I'm not a lifer, just a one termer, and with that, traditions are great.
That Olympic flame is something. I'm making a Vice President torch, to pass the flame, er a flame from me to her and here she is.
With that the former Vice President pulled out a torch and lit it and attempted to hand it to his Vice Presidential pick, but the glare was so bright that no one could see who this woman was, and Joe Bide sort of just pushed it at the woman, and she was not ready, and her head caught on fire.
Unfortunately, Joe had been drinking martinis, and in the panic threw the pitcher of martini's onto the woman to put out the fire, but instead burned her head off. So we do not know who Joe picked as at this late hour, we have not seen any of the women in the running in public.
The Lame Cherry does not know by Joe Biden burning the head off of his Vice President, if this keeps his word in picking a woman, and now he can go on and pick a White man, to stand a chance of defeating the President, or if he is going to torch some other woman on his list.
This is a breaking story......