As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We have all been conditioned "never again" in the forced work camps of the Reich in Germany, but there is enough radioactive propaganda out there, which is based in fact, which convicts the communists of China, in the Han elite, of trafficking in human body parts. This is not the Jew propaganda of Germans having Jew skin lamps, which was a lie, and it goes beyond the Chicoms cutting out organs for rich transplant patients from living convicts in Chinese prisons, but the disgusting shaving of hair off of Muslim Asians and then selling it in the United States.
It is not just Planned Parenthood marketing baby parts, Dr. Anthony Fauci with Moderna using dead baby vaccines, but the Chicoms were caught exporting almost a million dollars of woven hair products to the west out of Muslim Asia.
Exporters of both shipments are in China's far west Xinjiang region, where, over the past four years, the government has detained an estimated 1 million or more ethnic Turkic minorities.
The Chinese Communist Party's chairman, Xi Jinping, and his colleagues on the ruling Politburo, have, it seems, decided on the final solution for China's ethnic Uyghur Muslims. All who have seen the internet drone footage in Xinjiang of hundreds of blindfolded, male prisoners, sitting in silence, hands tied behind their back while ringed by Gestapo-like guards must shudder at the similarity in China of masses of prisoners being marched off to concentration camps.
Crimes against humanity that meet the UN definition of genocide are being inflicted by Chinese troops on their Turkic Uyghur minority in the so-called Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Charges include torture, forced sterilization and hair shaved from inmates and made into commercial products. Last month, US Customs seized 13 tons of human hair and other "beauty products" worth approximately $800,000 "from Uighurs in camps."
This propaganda is designed to be incendiary, in order to garner world judgment against the Chinese. China with their Wuhan biological weapon spread by the PLA into the world, was the awakening call which woke the world to something real. The China with George HW Bush created on the paddy of Harry Truman succoring the Mao communists is a cancer upon the world, and as American Pollack liberal, Zbigniew Brzezinski stated, "China is too big and must be broken up".
China is a pariah state to other east Asians from Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, India and Australia. It is a communist plague to the Muslim Asians of central Asia where all of this is taking place in Sheik bin Laden's refuge of Xiansang Province. Yes this is where bin Laden was kept safely until his death, and the corpse sold to Barack Hussein Obama in that fake SEAL raid in Pakistan in which Obama gave the Chinese an American stealth helicopter for the bin Laden corpse.
China has huge problems with land domination in Asia. In the north there is nuclear Russia. In the south is nuclear India. Holding the gates are the Muslims as the Khyber in Afghanistan is a choke point and the central Asians are the only route China has opportunity with in Mideast oil in gaining access to Iran.
The Chicom hegemony of the Silk Road, begins and ends in central Asia, and while limited in population, the area is a killing field for Chinese commerce in the bandits which prey there.
The "Silk Road," originally a medieval thoroughfare of trade, people, and ideas, consisted of a network of oases throughout Xinjiang. Perhaps a principal reason that explains, in part, Beijing's determination to pacify the province is China's seeming hope to dominate Eurasian overland commerce. That goal would require a peaceful Central Asia, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
China policy is simple. It is to make Russia into it's nuclear shield where Russia is at nuclear conflict with America. China dominates the Mideast oil. China dominates Asian and Korean raw resources, and European commerce would be the Chicom footstool of banking, as China enslaves Africa, while moving to feed itself with Asian Australian paddy.
With this python envelopment, the constrictor will cut off the United States being isolated and by default on feeding off the world, China would seize the 22nd century.
It is time for the liberation of the Central Asians. Tibet must be made free of the Chinese. East Turkestan must be restored.
Uyghur diaspora activists usually refer to Xinjiang as Eastern Turkestan. In fact, there were two periods in the last century when there existed East Turkestan Republics, 1933-1934 and 1944-1949.
The fact is the Chin few, the Han elite, rule a diverse group of Asian races from Cantonese, to Mandarins, to Tibetans, to names of peoples who have been obliterated and renamed Chinese. This is a century of evil, centered in Peking and condoned far too long by enablers like Harry Truman and George HW Bush, which has inflicted upon the entire world. This is not just Muslims that the Chicom hates, but Christians and every species which is not of their genetics.
Those who are promoting the propaganda in the west, in sources like Lawrence Franklin, passionately hate Iran, and have an abiding hatred of China, in inflating this pro Jewish policy first, over American policy.
The pot is being stirred and Iran and China have both turned up the heat, as this issue moves forward. China is drawing west from the east. It will continue to progress and if it thought it could annex this region by PLA force it would move now, but it hopes to seize the land by the Silk Road domination of Chinese settlements like the one which spread the plague in Italy to the world.
China will be destabilized in lack of population growth by 2050. This plague has speeded that process, and that means armed conflicts are the communist progression. It would be astute to have crippling blows to China, beyond economic, and involved in liberation of lands which China has no right to. This is where all of this is heading and it will require only one event to accelerate this future tense.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said