Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Kamala Harris Proves The Fraud Of BLM

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Joe Biden being forced into choosing Kamala Harris, a woman who called him a rapist and a racist, the reality is her being placed on the Democratic ticket proves the fraud of Black Lives Matter.

Consider that Jew George Soros funded and educated ANTIFA, the liberal white communist terror front in America, which goaded Blacks to burn down their cities, as their liberal masters egged them on to catch Coronavirus death. Consider that Black leaders threatened Joe Biden to choose any Black woman or there would be riots in the street again.

The fraud of Black Lives Matter is that Blacks have not any power. Afroid thuggery just disenfranchised every Asian, every Caucasian and every Latin, and every pervert sexual in America, because Blacks have the power and Obama license to burn down America if they do not get what they demand.

Think of it, in 2008, a Chinoid named Obama was on the DNC ticket. 2012 the same Chinoid in Obama was on the ticket. The Obama Quadroon threatened Hillary Clinton supporters, threw White guys like John Edwards into jail, threw Slavics like Rod Blagojevich into prison, tried to throw the George Zimmerman the Latin into prison, all to intimidate Americans, and then with Quadroon Susan Rice almost succeeded in framing Donald Trump in Pissgate.
After 4 years of Obama high crimes, there is the image Obama again, dictating that a Negroid had to be Vice President and there is Kamala Harris the Quadroon on the ticket due to Obama and Black power.

Power is what put one of thee most worthless picks on any Presidential ticket. It was not Harris' power, nor Biden's weakness, but it was Black power to disrupt democracy of mob rule to negrocracy, of Black rule. Blacks have demanded that color be on the ticket, instead of character, intelligence, national appeal or ability.

Kamala Harris rose to power sucking a married black man's cock, in Willie Brown. She then slept her way to the Attorney Generalship of California, where her convictions of justice were nothing to do with equal justice under the law, but how the whims of Kamala used the law to destroy people, like Obama did with Trump supporters.

Next Harris found her way into the Senate, where she is most memorable for wanting to provide abortions to pregnant men. Other than that, Kamala Harris is invisible.

But George Stephanopoulos, Chris Wallace and the New York Times, have sworn in real propaganda that Kamala Harris is not that far left. She only wants to deny citizens their gun rights, only wants to smear Trump supporters as racists, likes aborting Black babies, and hates Donald Trump, who donated to her campaign and she accepted the money, twice.
Kamala Harris is a rabid liberal of the far left, but she is not a Bernie Sanders communist, nor an Obama Marxist, so one can understand why Stephanopoulos and Wallace think she is middle of the road as she is not that radical, unless of course you remember Kamala Harris was outside the White House, with those trying to burn it down, who burned own Christian Churches and were trying to hang Donald Trump by the neck.
I guess Chris Wallace, the New York Times and George Stephanopoulos had a Joe Biden forgetful moment when they forgot about Kamala Harris standing with Presidential assassins in Washington DC.

Chris Wallace Claims Kamala Harris Is ‘Not Far To The Left’   caller

That is real power though. Blacks standing outside the White House, burning down White Churches and trying to lynch a White President, and not one person was prosecuted or hung for it.

So all of this proves the fraud of BLM by Kamala Harris being forced onto the hapless Joe Biden, who apparently was so scared that he had to write out his asking of Kamala to join the ticket as fear had wiped his addled mind clean.

Quadroons have been burning down America. Kamala Harris is the Quadroon on the democratic ticket in 2020. That is real power. The real Obama negocracy legacy, as why have elections when Bernie Sanders can be voted off the  ticket by the elite and the Afroid can terrorize Joe Biden to put a Quadroon on the ticket.

Does anyone believe though in all of this Black power, that Kamala Harris is Presidential material? She is a woman who could not beat Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders. She is a woman who Elizabeth Warren bettered. She is a Quadroon who only is on the ticket, because Amy Klobuchar was rewarding Minneapolis cops for knocking Niggers around like George Floyd. The only thing worse than Kamala Harris was Susan Rice, an epic liberal failure, even if successful at raping homosexuals to death with Muslims at Benghazi. Rice invested in all things Big Business and just loved handing Africa over to Africans to sell everything to China. Yes Kamala Harris was not gifted at continent sales, but she did sell her ass pretty good, as it expanded enough to be picked by Joe Biden.

That is real power, a Black race in America, demanded that their Black whore be put onto the ticket, who called a White man a racist and a rapist, and said she supported it all.

Burning down Walmart and looting it, is nothing compared to Blacks forcing the imbecile Joe Biden to choose an aging prostitute as their leader. It is only too bad that Cory Booker did not have a confirmed vagina, or he too could have been Vice President, in being the same let them eat cake example that Kamala Harris is.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
