Thursday, August 27, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse Saved Himself From a Benghazi End

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry first reported, Kyle Rittenhouse, was the child being assaulted in Kenosha Wisconsin, over an Officer shooting a Quadroon, who tried to start a knife fight with armed Police, placing his own children in the line of fire, instead of following orders, just as the Quadroon George Floyd, the porn star of Minnesota, brought about his own death in disobeying the law.

Now the tourists have provided actual footage to prove Kyle Rittenhouse's innocence. The Lame Cherry calls upon Attorney General Barr to take Mr. Rittenhouse into federal protective custody, as his life is in danger, in his name should have never been made public, and he should never have been taken into custody in Illinois. The fact is, Illinois and Wisconsin are now engaged in an act of child molestation which makes this a federal charge as this crosses state lines.

The fact is, that Kyle Rittenhouse, was attacked, chased, fired upon, assaulted and approached by a noted child molester. He exhausted every avenue of escape and retreat, and finally to save his life, opened fire with a legal AR 15 which he was legally armed with.

When the Lame Cherry stated that Kyle Rittenhouse deserves a medal for his actions, the reality is, he does, because the justice system has failed, in allowing animals like this to be part of Obama's BLM and Soros' ANTIFA, to terrorize communities.

Kyle Rittenhouse saved himself by firing from a Benghazi end.

How much longer must America endure the Obama Soros terrorism which started with the anal rape to death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Libya to cover up Obama crimes, and now more crimes in Wisconsin almost murdered a 17 year old child.

The New York Times has concluded that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in SELF DEFENSE. This matter must be ended by Attorney General William Barr as in the case of his intervening to keep Paul Manafort in being murdered in New York.

This is a boy being sent to a terror state. It is time for the federal government to protect Kyle Rittenhouse.

Nuff Said
