Friday, August 28, 2020

When Dove's Cry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog has stated, the Lame Cherry concluded that Kim Jong Un, the dynamic leader of North Korea is dead, and is now being kept alive on life support until sometime in 2021 AD.
The intelligence which has been published from North Korea, reveals that the resourceful and competent sister of the premier, Kim Yo Jong, who has been a trusted adviser for the past years, has become the defacto leader in the Communist Party structure.

If you remember how the Asian communists work, the insiders obtain power when a Mao or Kim dies, and in the aftermath as the new leadership cements, a purge takes place and the old leadership is denounced in their transition.

Kim Jong Un carried out the same policies. He strapped an Uncle of his to a mortar and executed him this way. There are hints in this that people are still being removed, people who are not enthusiastic enough for Kim Yo, who appears destined to be named acting premier at the party congress in January of 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.

North Korea also announced plans for the first national congress of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea since 2016 next year. The key party meeting in January would provide another platform to promote prominent officials such as his sister, and purge others. Last week, Kim replaced the premier he appointed a little more than a year ago, in another sign of political tension in Pyongyang.

I believe China is fully aware that North Korea is committee led, and are hiding behind a dead Kim Jong Un to provide stability. China attempted to poach North Korean fishing waters, and the North Koreans opened up with it's Navy and shredded the trawlers. North Korea is not looking for a fight, but it is in a mode of definitely killing anything that tries it's will.
This is why Kim Yo was trashing South Korea recently and threatening war. She is the voice of her dead brother now, and setting the standard which is expected from the intelligence and military leadership which props up the regime.

Kim Jo Yong is a formidable leader. She is more lethal than her brother or grandparents. She is shrewd, competent, loyal and has garnered enough support from the committee to begin the process of promotion to premier.
Real peace is a possibility with this healthy young woman and it was a mistake for Mike Pence to shun her at the Olympics in South Korea.

Kim Yo Jong could be even worse for North Korea than Kim Jong Un, experts say

Kim Yo is not worse and the CIA planting stories as the above to put further pressure on North Korea at this juncture is not productive, unless one is desiring to have China obliterate South Korea and thee Americans there.
America never has had a competent Korean policy since Harry Truman fucked up China and brought the Korean War.

Whether Kim Jo is regent to Kim Jung Un's children, makes little difference as she will be the guiding force in this dynasty in either cementing power or being expelled in 20 years by Kim's children.

This is what the tea leaves look like in North Korea. Kim Jo Yong is a competent leader, the party is stable, and if those who keep attempting coups against Pyongyang would cease and envelope a more economic and religious plan, North Korea would reform itself or North Korea will be swept away in the coming war between the United States and China.
In conflict, the war is certain to start in the west of Asia and enter a peninsula phase and that is Korea in the end game.

It was a cruel hand that Kim Jong Un, was not allowed to bring North Korea to a place which only his leadership could have. His sister will have age a generation to deal with what is overtaking the world.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Prince & The Revolution - When Doves Cry ... - YouTube

"When Doves Cry (Extended Version)" from 'Purple Rain' (1984) Buy or Stream Purple Rain The Movie here - Get Purple Rain Deluxe
