As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As a Christian, I honestly feel sorrow for democrats, and all their liberal communist and whatever delusions and illusions as typified by Julia Dreyfuss who used queer hate speech against Vice President Mike Pence to attack him.
It is illogical to use hate against a Republican, when you are trying to win moderates to elect your Joe Biden, and illogical to degrade queers, when they are a voting base in your own party, you need to elect Joe Biden.
It is all puzzling in how someone like John Cusack can arrive at his age, having experience Clinton and Obama rapes to mass murders, and think that electing Joe Biden, who rapes women and is a racist, will be a square dealer for the things that John Cusack thinks that will bring him something which will bring him something, as Cusack has not achieved whatever that something is.
"I will do anything to vote Trump out / end trump gop deathkkult,"
"Let's all enjoy the thought of Biden winning and as a nation fighting back trump facism & 1 st day in office make them deliver new deal for us - their coroprste (sic) lobbiests think they be in control - but history has a way of making itself happen-,
What I can not comprehend is, we were told that if John Cusack had a Black in the White House it would achieve something. We were told that if John Cusack had abortion protection, he would have something. He not only has that but babies can now be born in places like Virginia and their necks broken legally as post birth abortion.
We were told if homosexuals had normal rights, that would bring John Cusack something.
What did John Cusack achieve in 8 years of Barack Obama and Joe Biden?
500,000 dead in Syria.
The mass murder of the Polish government uninvestigated by Peace winner Obama.
Joe Biden taking bribes for his son and giving bribes to Ukraine to protect his son.
A war in Yemen.
ISIS which were the Kurds robbing oil from Syria and Iraq for money laundering projects for Obama McCain.
The extending of the Obama 2008 super depression to drive American policy to Marxism.
ANTIFA riots
BLM insurrection
Trillions of dollars looted from Americans for Wall Street and European cronies of Obama
A bioweapons lab in Wuhan China which Obama Biden paid for and signed off on.
All of these achievements were from John Cusack's support. A homosexual ambassador was raped to death by Muslims in Libya, to cover up Obama sending arms to Syria after the mass murder of the government of Libya.
Yet John Cusack like all his fellow travelers, believe that if they just have more, if Joe Biden is in power, that somehow a Biden regime will keep their promises, which Obama did not keep, which Clinton did not keep, hell what the Bush's did not keep, as they appointed all the judges which have as lurkers voting for liberal policies, against Conservatives.
I could ask the questions of what is it which would satisfy John Cusack, but nothing but Christ would as the emptiness in all of these leftists is a self devouring cancer which gives them no peace.
These are self destructive sinners, yes iniquity, yes another name is rebellion, against the Peace of God. They have rejected it, and none of them will have peace as they are a consumptive force which could consume the entire world, and it still would not be enough if they could consume the universe. Empty is empty, futility is futility, vanity is vanity. All is vain in the emptiness which will not fill John Cusack and his futile kind.
It saddens me as this wave arises in this end of days and feeds the destruction of what was civilization, in only what is now the lights surrounded by ever greater darkness which calls itself light.
Nuff Said