Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Melinda Gates Advocates Killing All The Doctors and Nurses

With my 4 millionth victim I get a Windows update......


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The genocidist wife of the genocidist Bill Gates, was featured in the New York Times in an OpEd which reveals what a joy it is to never have sex with this vaginal opening, as the Gates billions came from cheating the world in forcing them to purchase new Microsoft products, as built in booby traps degraded the old programs.

The Gates pirate business was akin to the old plug ins on electrical outlets, which of course adapted the old and new plug in designs, not the Gates, if you had 32 bit programs, they were made to not work on a 64 bit system.  You can purchase old vehicle parts to make an old car run, but not a Microsoft XP will be allowed to work in a Windows 10 world.

Into, the Gates have been murdering and poisoning people across the globe with their vaccines.

And yet this qualifies Melinda Gates to order the world who will get the serums forced on them as the Survival of the Gatest appears. Melinda Gates has decided that on the track record of half a million Indian children crippled and murdered by her husband's vaccines, that this new mRNA serum is to be force injected into all the doctors and nurses around the globe first.

The biggest concern though, is that the vaccine not go to the highest bidder when it comes out. It is fundamental that the vaccine goes first to the 60 million health care workers around the globe who are keeping the rest of us safe. They deserve this vaccine first, and I don’t care where you live. And after that, then the most vulnerable populations deserve to get the vaccine.

What if, like the Moderna serum, that 30% get sick? That would be 18 million doctors and nurses dead and dying. What if it is just 1% as most vaccines have that kind of rate of bad effects? 600,000 dead and dying doctors and nurses.

Melinda Gates says all of her edicts with as straight of face as Harry the Windsor and his Quadroon, and yet the reality is Melinda Gates has revealed that she dictates that medical staff get to die first and the she is coming for the most vulnerable the Nazis or Joe Stalin rounding up the deplorables.

Vulnerable populations, that is known by another name in people who are already sick or at hazard to die, but Melinda Gates is running this death camp in wiping out populations around the world.

Does anyone think if this serum is safe, that the first Goddamn people who will get it, will be Bill and Melinda Gates, and their shoe prints will be on the trampled bodies of the people they stepped on to get their vaccine.

Representative Louis Gohmert had Coronavirus. He was cured by taking Chloroquine with zinc. That is the cure. There is not any need on these DNA altering serums to be injected into medical or vulnerable populations.......I for one would like to see the 1% all get 30 doses of these billions of shots being bought up, as the world would be allot safer and better off if that 1% got cropped.

In a real Nuremberg world, Bill Gates would have been hung for crimes against humanity and his Evita Peron wife would have been given the Marie Antoinette sentence by the Peoples Courts, as this duo has topped the list of living mass murderers. Give them time with their potions, and by next year they will displace Hitler as a piker with 6 million dead Jews and top even Joe Stalin with 40 million dead Ukrainians.

It is time to put the homicidal Gates and Gates on trail for mass murder and it is time to put an end to these DNA altering serums by outlawing them for use in any living thing.

Nuff Said
