Saturday, August 15, 2020

Prison America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm here to remind you of a prediction posted here, that you are a prisoner in gulag America. Those walls built and those guns allowing in foreign invasion yet, were never to keep people out, but to keep you in.

You can not get out now even with a passport.

But in this Year of the Pandemic, that promise rings hollow. My German passport, which I was able to retain when I naturalized, currently entitles me to travel almost anywhere in the world. My American passport can gain me access to only a handful of countries—not including Germany or the majority of developed democracies in Asia, Europe, Australia, or South America. The coronavirus is so out of control here that other nations (understandably) fear contamination from our citizens.

From this time on, it is exist and die in America for Americans. This has just started.

Nuff Said
