Sunday, August 16, 2020

Time for Germanic Libya

Siehe, Afrika ist mein Schemel.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is time in these uncertain times for Europe and Africa of Chinese biological weapons, that as Angela Merkel of Germany is President of Europe, that she deal forthrightly with Libya, a canker on the sore of Europe, in a refugee invasion departure point, and now a disaster with Russian military presence joining the fray of civil war there.

This is the legacy of Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and John Brennan, Instead of plotting coups against Republican Donald Trump, they should have stabilized an ally in General Khadaffi, instead of murdering him and his government for community organized communism.

Libya is warning that the events of Beirut Jewish terrorism against terrorists, will spread to Libya, as Libya is a powder keg of munitions which Obama let loose on the world and chemicals for the Libyan oil market.
Libya must be secured, and Germany Italy must be the stability to world oil prices.

The Tripoli-controlled oil corporation says it has incurred losses worth billions of dollars due to Marshal Haftar’s protracted blockade of key terminals and the shutdown of major pipelines.
Libya may face more disastrous events than the explosion that devastated Beirut this week, the North African country’s top oil official has warned.
“The militarisation of oil facilities, the presence of mercenaries as well as the military escalation increase the risks that hydrocarbons and chemicals stored at oil ports pose to workers and the local population,” Mustafa Sanalla, chairman of the state-run National Oil Corporation, said in a statement on Friday.
He said this could lead “to a disaster that is severer than [the one in] the Port of Beirut and a massive destruction that will cause Libya to be out of the oil market for so many years.”

Angela Merkle must appoint the only viable leader for protecting Europe and Africa, and this is Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria. Kurz has broad and accepted leadership in Africa, and should be appointed Governor Chancellor of Africa, under the Italian colonial mandate to govern and guide Libya out of the Obama morass.


Africa needs an honest broker, and there is none more honest or capable than the great Sebastian
Africa prospered and had progress and peace under the German mandate of Tanganyika, before the British conspired and stole German colonial assets across the globe, for English hegemony. It is time for world stability and peace, that Angela Merkel create EEF, European Expeditionary Force, in taking NATO assets, outside of NATO, and landing them in Libya, and establishing a stabilité établie, an Established Stability, which should be a hallmark of German led world vision.

The only historic success in Africa is from Rome and from Berlin. All others have failed and left the population in a worst predatory state. Angela Merkel and Germany must move on this and use Libyan oil to fund such a stabilization project, with the full support of Egypt.

It is time to end the Obama Kenyan communist organized chaos and re establish the German Italian stability for the sake of the world in oil price, refugee neutralization and the advancement to the Libyans to pre Obama upheaval.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
