Come on Obama, one plus one is.......think boy, think!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In reading of the self destruction of Duck Harry and the efforts of Prince William to save his brother, one forensic psychological reality has appeared, and that the racist in the royal family was Harry, because inside of him, he knows the Nigger does not measure up, so everything anyone says to him, always sounds as snobbish and condescending, as what this stable boy believes.
Of all the things which set this off, was some thoughtful brotherly advice from the elder Prince William. It was the duty and necessity of the future King of England to protect the foundation of the British Government and the people of the commonwealth.

"Don't feel you need to rush this. Take as much time as you need to get to know this girl."
Such advice has been given time and again over the generations to people who care about a friend or family member who is about to make the worst mistake of their life. Harry though instead of taking the future King's advice as concern for a brother, instead heard a snobbish tone in the words "this girl".
This girl, was a disaster. Divorced parents, an actress, a well used vaginal canal, and the stability of a wog having run off with the master's credit card.
The Palace referred to Markle as "Harry's showgirl". They did not trust her instinctively. It was obvious by her classless life, that she was carrying a Titanic size shipload of baggage about to be dumped on the English people.

'She comes with a lot of baggage.'
There was absolutely no restraint on Harry from Markle. Harry had "woke", so in his snobbishness in judging others over his racism in going jungle fever, he hears things which he does not want to hear. Meghan Markle was trouble, everyone could see it, and yet Harry wanting to bring a wog into the fold, to prove he was not a racist, brought about his own royal suicide.
Markle could not get into a private jet often enough, picture herself with the Niggers of Africa to show she was a class above them, nor spend enough English money as the English people were in financial straits.
Meghan Markle destroyed the self destructive Harry and has now turned him into a pedophile travel agent, exploiting the 3rd world. Her response was again self indulgent, in she thinks she gave up everything, being an acting whore without a career...........and nothing else, for the British people, and she claims she was doing whatever it took.........when all she did was spend money, and after helping Harry destroy himself, she finds it all just sad.
Tears for poor Meghan............poor Meghan sitting in an 18 million dollar Beverly Hills Mansion, still spending other people's money they worked for.
"I gave up my entire life for this family. I was willing to do whatever it takes. But here we are. It's very sad."
Harry and Meghan though can not get enough whoring attention. Their new venture was leaving their Quadroon Archibald outside, so drones could take photos of him, and then the former royals can complain about how much they are upset by it all.
Both Harry and Meghan have woke, woke to blaming everyone else for their trying to make the world submit to their fetishes and lusts.
Harry and Meghan though will never have peace. They had a palace in Sussex, and it was not good enough. They moved to Vancouver in British Columbia, and that was not good enough. Now they are in America, whoring for American finance in an 18 million dollar mansion, but that will not be good enough either, as what is missing in this Harry and this girl, is the foundation of the complete void inside of them. Harry wanted a naughty wog to fuck as he got off on it. Meghan wanted to tear down a white prince, because she hates the race, and in fact, both of them hate each other's race as they can not hate what is missing inside of them, because what is missing inside is themselves.
I would that his most offensive couple would depart the New World, but the Obama in them, wants to pretend they are the best which is American, but they know they will never measure up, and all they want to do is tear down the shining light on the hill.
Yes let us go to America, be the American royals, but thee Americans do not want such lackluster reality personalities who having the largest platform in the world, can not even hold an audience the way the Kardashians did.
Gouche is the one word which sums up Harry and Meghan, the area between the genitals and the anus.
Nuff Said