Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Size makes a difference in Freedom

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is nothing the Lame Cherry is affiliated with, but it is a damning statement in what freeloaders are on the Free Right, as they think freedom is free, and all of this happens by fiat from God.

While the following is pleading for people to donate to Republicans for money, the reality is that Democrats will give to just about anything in Go Fund Me, while the Conservatives tend to be a tight wad bunch as this blog has proved.

It is amazing in how all of the work this blog did, with God working through this blog in 2016 AD, the persecution of Homeland Security being sent out here to interview me for SDNY FBI's office, where Homeland knew it was a wild goose chase, but in Obamaland it was intimidation to shut me up, and after this popular girl wrote the time line to elect Donald Trump, after the Holy Ghost informed me a Jehu was coming, which was Trump, that as soon as the election was over, 99% of you took credit for it all, and left me for dead, as you used me like a whore to have me take the risks, while you too the Glory which only belongs to God.

Conservatives Need to Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are

Conservatives Need to Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are - American Greatness   amgreatnes
While Democratic congressional campaigns are raising tidal waves of cash from hordes of hyper-motivated small donors, as usual, too many Republican voters are still not stepping up. Roughly 100 percent of the Democrat base has been financially on a war-fever footing since 2017; the Republican base is sadly only half-awake.

I never talk about traffic on this site, but the fact is on every given moment if I check there are several thousand people prowling this site, and that is not bots, those are real people, and very few of them donate. Some like the squawtifa who get baited in by intelligence agencies who set traps, and the information is eventually passed along to reach me in "who is this nut" lurk around in their failing existences just being mean to the world, while others just let others do the work as they are too afraid to be an American.

Most of the people abandoned me, and thought they had savior Trump, who this blog exposed and what was really taking place. I would not donate a dime to the GOP as they are frauds as much as the democrats. It gets old reminding people if this blog was not here, that you would have nothing but paid agents of the regime to steer you or those who already have gleaned their fortunes from your portfolios and have zero comprehension of what is really taking place, as they have little existential experience. That would be rural life, atomic warfare and biological warfare for starters which this blog has covered in detail while trying to make ends meet.

I'm thankful to those who have given support. If thousands of people would do what I have asked, I would reach my stated goal in purchasing the land we need, and being self sufficient, than I would stop having to beg for money.

I thought that little tramp and slut, Katie Walsh, had on Trump's tab gotten all the small donors in their cell phone information, but apparently they are not squeezing that unemployed group as they are not donating. It just goes to the reality that the people who do have money.....you got a several hundred dollar cell phone, you are spending 100 bucks a month on wifi, you know you got the big screen and another 100 on television for FOX, so don't tell me you don't have money and that you are poor. You are not starving and you spend hours on that phone trying to feel validated as that is what you have been conditioned to be attached to.

You'll answer for it, like the rich man and Lazarus. You get the Gospel here, not just threats about how bad it will be if the GOP loses the Senate. It has already been decided what the voting margins are and who wins and loses, and that includes the President.

So it goes back to putting your money where your big know it all mouths are.

Nuff Said


