As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Last year TL obtained a pine oil product called APINOL and while it did not work wonders on candida, it has healed an ulcerous sore which candida progressed and it did something which I did not expect.
I was grilling in shorts, and my grill is homemade, so I set aside the wind screen which was hot and made hotter by the sun, and it kissed my calf with a burn that branded me quite effectively.
TL said, Apinol would work on that burn. Having been told that oil on burns is verboten, I agreed to it as TL knows what TL is talking about. It was stinging and TL said it would stop that, and by God it did just that immediately.
Now I have tried fresh sliced onion on burns, which did heal and turned a burn into a nice brand, but this pine oil worked amazing. It did sting some after I showered, but all the same, I healed readily and there is not any pain at all in less than a day.
Pine oil, or pine tar is an anti bacterial. It is what sulfa is derived from and most antibiotics really. In the old days, Creosote Dip is what was used to soak a wound in, and I was raised on Lysol in the water for all sorts of punctures like nails in the feet to a fish which stuck me with a fin spike one inauspicious day.
These base products have zero resistance which bacteria or other germ critters can build resistance to, it is like salt, in you change the PH and all kinds of bad things just give up the will to infect.
What else can be said in saving you again with million dollar information, but voila.
Nuff Said