As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In all of this investigating by the FBI taking place out of Second District New York, I wonder just how it is with all the schemes that Hillary Clinton, Joe and Hunter Biden and Barack with Michelle Obama have been engaged in, just how is it that the government obtained OCTOBER SURPRISE INDICTMENTS against Steve Bannon for taking money for the wall, when the only way to find that kind of information is to be actively investigating Steve Bannon.
Seriously, Bannon and others took money on GoFundMe to build the Trump Wall..........ok how many liberals end up with George Floyd cash and misappropriated it, and are never investigated? Obama took in 300 fricking millions dollars from Muslim money laundering through Chase credit cards and you were stuck in TARP bailing it out, and SDNY never did a damn thing.
Let my Bannon GO!!!!
I really am not interested in Steve Bannon, but the crip who was involved in this and charged. I mean George W. Bush blew this guys legs off and his arm. I mean dude is a gimp and SDNY is moving to throw his ass into pound him in the ass prison.
OK SDNY has gone too far again. There should be rules. Like you have George W. Bush blow your legs and arm off, you are a Purple Heart guy, so like you should get a pass on everything from rape to murder.

Then there is the issue of the gimp has a hot wife. I mean, you just can't prosecute people who have hot wives. SDNY has not filed charges on the hot wife, so even they have limits in not sending her to her lezbo grey bar hotel. Maybe some Florida FBI guys and gals want to provide comfort sex to her when her gimp husband is in the clink, but all the same, she is hot and hot people should not be indicted.
It should be enough that dude has one good arm, one good tongue and one good dick, a Purple Heart and a hot bod wife, to keep him from being prosecuted. The Trumps love this gimp as everyone loves a gimp. It is like he shows up and people say, "You got to be nice to the gimp", but SDNY charges him like he is a normal person. You loose 3 limbs and have a hot wife, and you just got to get a pass for just about everything, you know like John Brennan gets a pass, cause he has a hot daughter, James Comey gets a pass cause his daughter who is hot works at SDNY and then there are the Obama's they have hot adopted daughters....well sort of hot for Quadroons, and Joe Biden has a sort of hot trampy daughter, a hot granny sex wife, and then his daughter in laws are all hot........none of them get indicted over crimes, so let's just follow the rules in fat old Steve Bannon gets indicted, and let's indict Bill Clinton too, as his fat old wife and chompers daughter are nothing you can say should protect him......probably rescue the poor old sod.

Anyway, I don't know what that hot wife's gimp husband's name is, but he deserves some kind of redo, as does not "building the wall" constitute giving your wife plastic surgery to make her hotter? Are not like her twin peaks and nether valley like a wall that no Mexican will ever cross? Sure they are, and so that is his defense in he built something to keep the Mexicans out of.
I think that about ends my appeal for leniency for the gimp with the hot wife.
Nuff Said
