Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Why does Kamala Harris protect Pedophiles and run for Vice President with Them?

I have just the pedophile priest for you little white boy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The evidence is certain that Kamala Harris, defined Joe Biden, a racist and a rapist, but she joined the ticket anyway, and now there is a troubling story of pedophilia in Kamala Harris' past.
This is most disconcerting in the era which put the likes of Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein into prison and Jeffrey Epstein into the grave, and as Ashley Judd runs her pussy hat in support of the Biden and Harris ticket, there is the result as Kamala Harris was sucking the cock of a 60 year old married black man in Willie Brown, that Harris was taking money from pedophiles, in order to stop their prosecution.

This goes back to the prosecutions of the Catholic religion in San Francisco, in the man that Kamala Harris defeated for District Attorney. Terrance Hallinan, as DA, when after the pedophiles and the entire diocese. He went after their records for 75 years, of children molested and was prosecuting, setting up future cases and then came Kamala Harris, and all of the pedophiles went free, and continued on to be around children and raping them.

In his book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, Peter Schweizer unveils how Harris refused to pursue the case. And also exposes the fact that many of the law firms and lawyers who were representing the archdiocese on a variety of legal matters — including priests that had been identified as possible culprits — gave significant contributions to Harris’s political campaign. Some of them had never given contributions to a race like this before, but they came up with the cash for Kamala Harris.

This is the real Kamala Harris, the woman who would spread her legs for power, committing adultery, and launching her political career protecting child rapists. Everything Kamala Harris is, in her Obama rise to power, is built upon protecting pedophiles.

After democrats nominate and choose Kamala Harris for their Vice President, President Trump should begin asking the wife of a rapist, in Hillary Clinton, why her support for sexual deviants includes child rapists in their protector Kamala Harris.

Granted the President donated to this daughter of a Wog twice, so the tweeting might be a bit rough, but this is thee worst sexual deviant ticket in American history, and that says a great deal with that adulterous dancing boy fag Barack Obama and child sniffer Joe I take that back, Obama Biden and Biden Harris is the equal to the worst sexual deviants in history. They make Teddy Kennedy look like Saint Ted.

Why did Kamala Harris protect pedophiles? This Quadroon Wog needs to be kept asking that question until she explains why she did not protect the children of America.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
