Wednesday, August 19, 2020

It is time to indict the Goodyear Board of Directors

If Goodyear made good tires instead of sucking Obama's lesbian ass
I wouldn't be calling you would I......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The President of the United States must do more than call for a boycott of Goodyear, as this blog has castigated this Chinese shoddy product corporation for bilking consumers in their horrid products.

5 years ago, I thought I would buy Goodyear Wranglers for my pick up, thinking I was getting a good product at around 600 dollars. In this time, I have had 4 flat tires, flat meaning, the tires CRACK in a few years and deflate.
I have a Uniroyal spare thank God which is over 20 years old and it is in fine condition, but it was made in America when rubber was meant to last 50 years. Farmers and Ranchers always put bald tires on trailers. I have tires on implements and old trucks which are older than most of you and are still up.

Trump Calls For Boycott Against Goodyear Tires After Company Bans MAGA Attire, Allows BLM - American Greatness amgreatness

Goodyear though has engaged in Constitutional crimes against Americans, in naming ALL LIVES MATTER AND MAGA as racist. While promoting terrorism. This is the realm of brainwashing and insurrection. These are treasonous crimes, and a boycott is not going to cure any of this. This requires Attorney General Bill Barr to hang these scoundrels of the elite for their crimes, place the company in receivership, for employees to profit share in, and appoint appropriate directors who will magnify the United States not slander it and attack employees like a Stalin gulag.

Goodyear's guarantee is another fraud, in you must prove you rotated the tires, prove bought the tires and prove you have the right to get your money back from a Goddam Obama communist globalist company.

Either way, I will NEVER buy anything from Goodyear ever again. I have switched to Hankook out of South Korea. Zelda has those radials on and they are still without a problem.
Goodyear needs to be made to refund to Americans all of these billions of dollars they have bilked the people of the United States out of.

This is the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.

Nuff Said

