Wednesday, September 23, 2020

China's Frozen Ground Stategy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


There is a most interesting development in the biological first strike which China launched against the world and the escalating nature of the Chinese Paradigm in dovetailing biological warfare with actual combat on the Indian Frontier.

 Earlier in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, China launched a testing offensive against India, in which to this Lame Cherry's surprise, China was brutally beaten in hand to hand combat with Indian regulars.

Indians are not known as fighters and in the past 60 years have had to have America threaten nuclear strikes to get China to back down. This development of the Indians in being brutal fighters, has not set back China, but has instead caused China to evolve or devolve to it's military past.


If one examines the Chicoms, they had their most profound advancements in winter warfare. This began in the Chinese Civil War, in which President Harry Truman eventually abandoned China for the communists, to the great harm to the world.



This is what appears to be behind the Chicom mindset of 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. China was beaten severely in spring weather fighting. Their new contention is that they can defeat India in a winter campaign.


India Says it is Ready for War (With China)—Even in the Winter


Indian Army’s Brigadier Hemant Mahajan (Retired), titled “Operational Logistic Readiness of the Indian Army” was circulated to the media by the Northern Command PRO (Public Relations Officer). Mahajan said the Indian Army is fully prepared to fight a full-fledged war even in winters in eastern Ladakh and China should expect to face better trained, better prepared, fully rested and psychologically hardened Indian troops.

The retired general’s comments came after a report from Chinese state media outlet Global Times suggested India’s operational logistics was not geared up adequately and that it would not be able to fight through the winters effectively.

“This can best be attributed to ignorance. Indian Army is fully prepared and more than capable of fighting a full-fledged war even in winters in eastern Ladakh,” Mahajan said in a statement as reported by


The history of all Chinese communist aggression, centers around late autumn, winter and early spring attacks. The Chicom appears to be joined at the chopstick with using the weather as an ally. It has had stalemate results in the Soviets and the Yalu campaign which ended with the Korean War partitioning of Korea, but even in the tropics of Vietnam, the Chinese chose an early year attack against that communist state.







China understands it's situation and position. It is a dying nation, and it's way of attacking the United States is biological weapons, a 5th column, Iran as proxy and to cripple India, so it can not be a source of American projection.

In tactics and strategy, the hard winters of the Indian mountains and rough terrain, would provide cover for a series of firebase establishments to be created in winter, in "taking land the Indians were not on" and then occupying it, and forcing India to expend itself on hard mountain combat where winters and mountains would assist the Chicom.

This is fascinating and would be a logical prelude when China invades Alaska for oil resources, as the frozen earth would be the Chicom ally.


This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.




Nuff Said

