Wednesday, September 23, 2020

LeBron James: I din do


This is how I cap the cops


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


ANTIFA burning down thee American west while claiming to be Obama green environmentalists are the psychopathy of the left. It never dawns on them the murderous things they are engaged in, as they hate Donald Trump to a mania, and it never occurs to them they are destroying the world, just like Obama's BLM is burning down Black America for a few looted microwaves.


Then comes LeBron James, Michelle Obama's girlfriend, in his 85 IQ brain that taking knees for Colin Kaepernick, inciting the Afroid 85 IQ's to burn down their neighborhoods, just might have some of these 85 IQ geniuses to start capping the Police..........a police that shoots other races more than Blacks each year.


 LeBron James Denounces Violence Against Cops, Never Called For Revenge Attacks   tmz


This is LeBron James, never considering he advocated violence and murder by shooting off his 85 IQ mouth. Now he denounces violence........yes but what of the dead Police Officers? What about those shot in the face? Why is it that LeBron James is not with his millions paying the bills of the Americans he harmed by his ignorant mouth.

The Lame Cherry calls upon the United States Attorney General to convene a Grand Jury, indicting LeBron James for inciting terroristic violence. 
