Sunday, September 13, 2020

Coffee Tea or Me

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The Lame Cherry is going to explain something which was published discreetly here as I only become aware what is trending in the matrix.

After the execution of the Iranian terror leader in Iraq by the United States, I was curious what the matrix was trending for 2020 as based upon this scenario. This was before Coronavirus Wuhan in the biological weapon which has caused such a psychic displacement in the matrix that everything was supplanted.

I noted that a few events did take place, but not in the places or in the exact forms as I noted here.

This recent headline interested me, because of something the matrix was indicating which did not make a great deal of sense.

Kushner says Saudi Arabia, Bahrain to allow all Israeli flights to use airspace   timesofisrael

What did not make sense was the matrix was indicating that the Persians were progressing an event, much like the 1970's Entebbe hijacking by the PLO. What was puzzling in this matrix scenario was that this 2020 flight was going to be an Jewish flight from a Muslim land.

And now it makes sense, because this "peace deal" preliminary of Jew Muslim relations was set back apparently months by the virus, and now is setting a platform for what the matrix was indicating was becoming a horizon point event.

I am not predicting events here, what this is, is as study of time line events, displacements, disturbances, like Obama and the Sandy Hook episode which displaced the time line, until June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord. This plague and the mayhem is a much greater event structure.

The time line is compressed by the American Presidential Elections. That focus is what the psychic time line will be displacing in larger events, which will be like 9 11, compressed in thousands or millions of screaming souls. displacing the time line.
