As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Not that long ago it seems, there was an FBI in Oregon, which flushed protesters from the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, set up an ambush of LaVoy Finicum and his unarmed associates, opened fire on them from an FBI SWAT team, and murdered Mr. Finicum as he struggled in waist deep snow.
The Special Agent in charge of this, Gregory Bretzing retired in early 2017 AD in the year of our Lord to a cushy job, and as far as anyone knows, no one has been charged with anything from murder to lying over the murder of LaVoy Finicum.
On this background, with a summer of Obama Intifada Rage across America, now including arsonists lighting fires from California to Washington, it was a rather bizarre statement released by the Oregon FBI, defending ANTIFA which has been lighting fires, raping, beating up people, extorting money and murdering Americans,
For all the FBI has to do, defending ANTIFA seems like it would not be on the list, but yet the same group which murdered LaVoy Finicum in PEACEFUL PROTESTS to defend ranchers whose lands were being stolen by the government, has now, not arrested, but is defending terrorists, stating they did not start the wildfires in Oregon.
Reports that extremists are setting wildfires in Oregon are untrue. Help us stop the spread of misinformation by only sharing information from trusted, official sources. pic.twitter.com/ENc4c3kjep— FBI Portland (@FBIPortland) September 11, 2020
For some reason, the FBI never issued a press release when their agents and other Obama officials were spreading misinformation on Donald Trump, Carter Page, General Michael Flynn and others. But the FBI releases warnings when it comes to Soros ANTIFA terrorists, as just because they rape, murder, have a history of USING FIREWORKS as signals in violent burning down of cities this past summer, the FBI wants the public to know that ANTIFA is not arsonists.
in Washington state, a man was charged on Friday with starting a fire alongside a rural highway two days earlier. The suspect, identified as 36-year-old Jeffrey Acord, live-streamed his arrest on Facebook, but denied starting the fire. Acord had professed support for Black Lives Matter on Facebook, and had previously been arrested with a cache of weapons at a protest in Seattle in 2014.
OK........so an extremist who supports Obama Quadroon Lives Matter terrorists, has a weapon's cash which brought about his arrest in 2014 in Seattle, set a wildfire, is according to the FBI not an extremist........or the FBI is playing Clinton speak cute in Oregon is not Washington, so the FBI is once again playing cute with verbiage, like when convicted Kevin Clinesmith forged documents to get illegal FISA warrants on Trump officials.

Oregon Fisherman Shares Video of Suspected Arsonists in Black Hoodies, Black Pants and with Gas Cans
So the above fire starter is not an extremist is Oregon wearing a black hood, black pants, like the hordes of ANTIFA posed below, but just because someone wears the same clothes of a movement, through exhaustive Oregon FBI investigations, deems there is no connection and no extremists setting fires in Oregon.
The Special Agent of the FBI in charge of this social media defining of what is crime and not, issued this statement, which I'm having trouble understanding what in the world he is talking about. It sounds like something Joe Biden uttered.

“Change is hard, this is a time of change, and so that's stressful, as everybody knows, any time you're going through a period of change, it's stressful,” Cannon said. “And I hope that we can make positive improvements to, like I said, that bring public safety into the 21st century as well as possible.”
“I'd say that in these types of situations where, you know, you're looking at surveillance video of somebody who's done a crime, that's where bank robbers have a tendency to wear masks because it makes it harder to identify who robbed the bank,” Cannon said. “So absolutely, in a situation where somebody's done an assault or done some other violent crime, if they have a mask on, it's harder to identify who they are.”
I do not understand what stress and change have to do with public safety as the law is the law, and if ANTIFA is upset, that is not any excuse for burning down cities, which is not burning down forests as the FBI wishes to make understood. That fact and the FBI in Oregon has concluded in it's advanced investigative insights, that it is harder to identify people with a mask on, than not having a mask on.
This is pure genius, as who knew that robbers in the old west wore masks in robbing stagecoaches. That has puzzled movie goers for a century, since the Great Train Robbery film. We should have been clued in when we could not identify the train robber, but maybe it was only criminals who understood that wearing masks hid who they were, as the law abiding public only thought masks identified people as criminals.
All of that though is mute with the China Wuhan biological weapon which for some reason the FBI is not investigating that either. Well, the explanation is simple as they are overwhelmed with issuing press releases defending ANTIFA.
Gregory T. Bretzing has left an outstanding legacy in Oregon FBI. Shooting innocent Americans in peaceful protest and sending out press dispatches that violent terrorists are innocent.
Nuff Said