As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The communist Los Angeles Times ran this headline and it is completely fake news.
Dakotas lead U.S. in growth of coronavirus cases as both states reject mask rules ∞ latimes
The stats are North Dakota had 467 with 3 deaths new cases and South Dakota 320 with 6 deaths
Compare that to mask wearing California of 3470 new cases and 71 dead, and Florida, Texas, Georgia, Illinois all are spiking more than the Dakotas.
So the LA Times is lying in voodoo math over Coronavirus.
The fact is that the Dakotas have 350 dead between them. This S strain which inoculates Americans in the autumn of 2020, is not the boogerman of the shit strain which was deliberately killing people. All of this goes back to booger eating kids, and these Goddamn minorities in mass who are spreading this virus yet.
This is not to say that there is a percentage of people who will not have common cold or flu reactions in it may kill them or debilitate them, That is simply the reality in nature. No one lives in fear of the common viruses, so there is no need to fear this inoculation strain, but only respect it.
If I had not been a sheep inoculated several times with TL, I would not be going out to catch this thing. We are still careful and we pretty much stay clear of the towns, as this blog stated there would be a booger eater spike and it would wane as it ran out of people to infect again, but again, this is not running 24 to 35% mortality rate as the L strain of March which struck the world and was deliberately spread.
This is fantastic news, and would be of Hamrod Clinton was in the Oval Office. You would be counted as acceptable casualties as under Obama Biden and move on in being expendable. What this is accomplishing in these fake stories is keeping Republicans from taking a landslide and bullet proof control over the House and Senate to pass MAGA. I told you this is what was the agenda.
If I was in the metro city state, I would be even more careful, and that would mean working from home, wearing a mask if I had to go out, but ordering groceries for pick up and other things, and as we still do, everything gets bathed in bleach before it comes in the house.
Prudence dictates that you be careful of this virus, but do not be focused on it, as each of you is prudent enough to see these Obama BLM and Soros ANTIFA are connected, are protected by the police state, and have access to dangerous weapons, which would be logical they unleash to shut down the power grid or something else to cause an envelope of communist opportunity.
We are at the point this blog stated would come. Some of my stuff was off in 11 dead Mexicans, which is regrettable, but these waves have pretty much run as they should and as people are not dying or ending up in wheel chairs, this virus is not to be feared.
Just remember Chloroquine and Ivomec with zinc. We are still doing tonic water and vodka, with half a zinc pill when we go to town, in a two day dose. Just be prepared for that, and start preparing for the Lenin chit that is being prepared for America.
The President and you have flattened the curve, now stop worrying about going flat line.
Nuff Said