As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is more final Jeopardy knowledge, but after Art Flemming and Alex Trebek, I doubt anyone will ever watch that program again.
Minnesotan Charles Lindbergh was named after his American loving father, Charles August Lindbergh, a true Patriot and brilliant mind.
While no one cares now, Lindbergh was the Columbus of his time, in he flew across the Atlantic Ocean when others had failed. His skills in flying were honed in another vocation, in he flew the Pony Express of the skies, he was part of the first airmail service in the United States.
It was during a flight from Missouri to Chicago Illinois, in the dark, in a snowstorm that Lindbergh learned to trust his instruments. Upon discovering tree tops skimming below him, he blindly pulled back on the stick, and stalled, nearly crashed his bird twice and thinking a third stall was coming, he swore to jump, but Lindbergh trusted his instruments, and flew on to historical infamy.
His compatriot fliers of the time in America in the 1920's called him Slim Lindbergh.
That is your final Jeopardy knowledge for today.
Nuff Said