As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is not a normal nor sane person alive who has not been alarmed for the past generation in names like David Rockefeller, George Soros, Bill Gates and Elon Musk in their macabre view of each of us, as some expendable part for their ventures.
The Bill Gates forced vaccinations have had a most chilling effect and the 99% loathes and hates the 1% for their nefarious deeds.
A Disturbing Glimpse Into The Future: Bill Gates, Elon Musk & The 4th Industrial Revolution - Activist Post ∞ activistpost
From the Ford Foundation to the Buffett Foundation, none of these institutions serve the public in the least. The Lame Cherry though desires to educate you about a time in America, where things were different, where people with money actually did good things for the United States and her people.

The Patriot was named Daniel Guggenheim, and yes he was a Jew, yes those notorious Jews, who are so wonderful at business, and the Guggenheims struck it rich in Colorado in mining. By 1905 Daniel was in charge of the family business, and his son Harry served in World War I as a pilot in the Air Corp, but by the 1920's he had been forced out of the business. Not before though he had amassed for his Jewish family a fortune of 300 million dollars. The Guggenheims were the richest people on the planet and more to the point, Daniel Guggenheim could break governments by sending a telegram.
This kind of power would terrify any of us now, but at age 67, the most powerful man in the world, turned to something in the Guggenheim Foundation, and in that, he invested 2.5 million dollars of his money into a new enterprise, not in profits, but to advance the United in aeronautics. Guggenheim understood the future was in the air and with General Billy Mitchell stating a global war was coming and it would be won in the air, the United States was of necessity, needing airplanes which would win the war and the knowledge and advancements to fly them.
The man chosen to run the tests was Jimmy Doolittle who would gain world fame in World War II. He had two military bosses and one civilian boss in Harry Guggenheim, the heroic son of the most powerful man on the planet.
The American air corp studied the effects of fog in navigation, pilot orientation in flight, things which seem rudimentary now, but in this era, all was the unknown and people were dying far too often. The data which was produced would chart the victory of America in World War II, in instrumentation, as everything in the war was moving to technologies unknown from radars, to communication, to airplanes which pilots trusted in instrumentation.
When the advancements were reached, there was not any "hand in the till" which is the standard rapine now, as the Guggenheim's solved the problem with association of government, military and civilians, moved on. This was not a perpetual cash cow as this was about putting the United States into the air as the superior power in the world, and this came from a civilian named Daniel Guggenheim and his son, benefiting America.
Is there anyone who can point to anyone of the 1% and say, that they are benefiting any of us in the 21st century? The importation of foreign labor is destroying the American People as much as Europe. We are sheared monthly as the cash cow is sometimes gas is up, sometimes it is sugar, sometimes eggs, but always we are being robbed. Any government payment is geared to drive that money into the Obama conglomerates.
This blog just wanted to educate you on a time and a ruthless people who returned a treasure to America which profited them, and they did so, without making any profits.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said