Charles Harrison Streep I
At prep school we call it Beaner Bashin'. I actually have a degree in it, and all I was doing was performing my thesis, "How to Beat up Greaser Babies". It was intellectual, there was no crime.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With news that Meryl Streep's 31 year old adult male nephew, went ANTIFA on a barely 18 that day Beaner Boy, the reality is that liberals have the right of way in traffic, and can run red lights, as they are better than everyone else and if you tell them of their crimes, they will show up like Obama BLM and try to murder you.
This is especially tragic when it comes to minorities who have IQ's of 85 on average, as when Charles. H Streep I beams one on the brain, they drop to about 40 IQ and can't remember their birthday, or birthdays as they usually have several having fake identities.

Latino David Peralta age 18
I was just being a dumb ass big mouth Greaser and Streep went ANTIFA on me!
He and his girlfriend were taking a ride in his new car Aug. 24 when he had a near-miss with Streep in the parking lot, Chakmakian said. The actor’s nephew made a comment, and when Peralta snapped back that Streep had blown the red light, Streep pulled a U-turn and jumped out of his car, Chakmakian said.
Streep wrapped his arms around the teen’s neck, “squeezing and lifting his limp body off the ground and then throwing him to the ground,” according to a criminal complaint.Streep mocked him, telling the baby-faced college student, “What are you, 14 years old?” and yelled anti-Hispanic slurs at him during the attack, Chakmakian charged.
Unfortunately we do not know what the anti Hispanic slurs were, as they may well have been compliments like, "You goddamn greasers are sure easy to beat up".
Perhaps it was something like, "What did you do, jack the new car, you fuckin' taco."
Now everyone can understand that those two statements would be liberal compliments and misunderstood by minorities, as being proficient in stealing cars and easy to beat up, are necessary commodities for rich liberals who like buying stolen merchandise with their trust funds and it really gets the dumb blond girlfriends to put out, when you brag you beat up a Mexican.

Making Greaser Grease Spots is my new reality television program I am starring in.
Streep was charged with felony assault in East Hampton Town Court and released on $5,000 bail.
So let us just sweep this aside, like Obama's crimes in not being natural born, like Eric Holder being a real KGB bastard burning up babies in Waco and we all know of the continuous piles of injustices where rich liberals get off with their crimes, while the rest of us end up in court.

Oh pullllessse, do I need to remind people that I almost was Harvey Weinstein'd when a man brushed up against me, and when I played a Jewess, I won and award for acting like a Jew, so I knew about hate crimes in being a victim.
Hasn't Meryl Streep suffered enough in raping the legacies of Margaret Thatcher and Nancy Reagan? Should not this kind of effort transcend to her rich nephew who was only performing ANTIFA Theater on the Street.
Just write out a million dollar check to this greaser, hook him up with some White sorority tramp who wants to slum around with a beaner as reparations, and this Mexican will be happy as that is all they want, as he has a new car and a cell phone, so just pay him off and justice will be done, as that is all he really wants is money.........and as Mr. Streep got his Beaner Bashin' in for the month, everyone wins.
Hey maybe Meryl can play this boy in her next acting job, we all would love to see her mock Mexicans the way she has moral Conservative White women who have accomplished something.
Nuff Said