As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Just a note in what we have been freezing with, as there was ice on the water buckets this morning, and 113 degree temperatures in California seem welcoming this afternoon, is that TL and I have been trying to not freeze this winter as everything is piled up in too much to do, and this blog too.
For the past 8 days, sick or not, we have been digging like gophers, opening up an old cellar entrance in our kitchen. It has been an experience removing this much soil, as it is not dirt. What it was, was sand. gravel, clay, in various combinations and one was as solid as concrete, which made sparks fly on the tile spade as I chipped away at it.
It was one bucket, one scoop, and sometimes scooped a few times to lifting it out of the hole, and I am feeling it with bruises, aches and a back that says it is wanting to slip out a rib.
So I apologize to Mary J for not seeing your note and other notes, as Paypal no longer alerts me, and TL found it last night. You can always talk to me like others through that non donating venue.
I am sitting here thinking, after digging in clay for 2 1/2 hours, that tomorrow it is town to get cement bags, and blocks, as now the building of the chimney starts. This is one formidable project, that I would love to have 2 months of summer yet to complete.
After the chimney, then comes lining the alley we dug so it does not collapse, putting in stove pipe, double wall, finishing chimney, and hoping the concrete block stove I see online says will have problems goes in and does not have problems. I want something large for heat retaining and I want something large so I can burn trash as watching 100,000 BTU's go up in flame in winter sucks when it could be inside in a stove.
No cat shit though as am not burning that.
We also have to put in steps. Yesterday the Junk Yard guy saw us playing in his piles for 90 minutes in not finding any steps. We found lots of other treasures though. So I asked him if he had any and he says, "Yeah, go over by that white semi trailer, there are steps over there". We found them, I got bloody fingers as they were cut up in pieces of 4, 3 and 2 steps as these are antique heavy mothers, and we ended up with 6 steps, I get to weld them together and then nigger rig or better them to the floor, grind things down and voila we have steps instead of a ladder to the basement. Steps which can not catch fire and will not break in heavy loads.
I was hoping that this project could have been done in 11 days.....we dug 8, had a hell of a time and delay trying to get through 4 layers of flooring, and am now engineering a chimney as I sit on a chair here that I just said, "Ow HOLY SHIT" as these are bad chairs. Anyway, if I was rich like you people, I would not be hauling ass like this in these kinds of adventures. This is one bitchweed project, have several others at the other place, and the idea is next year, we will be trying to put a roof on the place we are in.
My fingers cracked on the tips from the dry weather and shit, and Lord God that feels great typing this stuff and trying to heal up.
The reason there weren't any Goddamn faggots, liberals, atheists, BLM or ANTIFA back in the day, is once you dug a cellar, your pecker starch was shot. They dug a basement cellar and then mixed concrete and put in heavy rocks for the walls. I am doing corrugated tin for this alley, but I tell you that you get people doing hard labor like this, and they will stop being assholes and pulling shit.
Oh even reconditioned an old wheel barrel with an iron wheel, as I was full of anxiety one afternoon and I work when I get mad or frustrated, as it cures that devil head shit.
This Goddamn blogger is updating the interphase too, so pictures fuck up and do pasted links like DONATE. Worked fine before, but now it takes more bandwidth to load and run, and it sucks worse than before.
In looking for a photo, I found this turkey in a hole............looks like the burned down a forest to cook a turkey. We did this in FFA for beef, just a pile of wood, burn to coals, cover it with dirt and then put the meat into tinfoil and let it smoke to done as you cover it up with burlap bags.

I think they got it ass backwards, but what do you expect from these miniaturized people.
Nuff Said