As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm sort of having a problem with the ghosts on the security cam in 8 hours of their performances, have me sorting through the best. Most paranormal snake oil promoters would be happy to have the worst of my photos, and in the end, I am not even bother with them, as it is just someone walking by.
I am most proud of the above. Yes some dissenter would say this is some kind of buterfly...........yeah in the middle of the night, is not close to the lens and would have to be about 2 feet high standing on the lawn. I call this Hermie, as I think the geist appears again out of camera, and looks like a 4th of July fountain.
Now things have been a bit mundane after our first geist show, when they did not know we were around. That changed as the electric company decided to bury some wires, and dropped off some junction boxes. To the right of Hermie is a huge plastic lid cover which was left yesterday afternoon, and Lord God, do these entities just love to check things out.
This is the photo of something just below the lens. As you can see this is not reflective off some bug. This is something outside the lens which is moving and it is casting a glow.

It was delightful for all the interest in the new things in the yard. For 8 hours there were displays like this, with a number of the light wands appearing, and activating the camera. Sometimes there was 20 minutes between activation and other times it was seconds. But there is something I have noticed in these geist and that whenever they are around, the animals like bunnies, deer or turkeys are never around. I have never seen a photo where both the animals or humans have these geist in the same photo.
As you can see Hermie was moving, which appeared in another camera activation and accompanied by the wands and orbs.
We have never had this kind of activity in this was a spectacular ectoplasm light show.

There are some fantastic corkscrews which appeared which were brilliant light.

As you can see this went on for hours, and I frankly am so pleased at the artistry as this is better than crop circles.
It come to the point that you will probably be not impressed at a common ectoplasm picture and yet the beauty of it is calming.
At one point in these photos, the light of something was so brilliant that the hood, which is that white thing on the top by the time and day stamp, was brilliant white to the right.
It is amusing in the reactions have been fear in people knowing there are ghosts here. I have absolute not any fear of this stuff as I call them mine, and I have walked among them, and there is never any malevolent feeling.
I just am amused that they are curious, which shows intelligence. New thing in their yard draw them and now that I know that, I perhaps will entertain them to gauge the cause and effect.
I don't know if the animals can sense them, or if the geist do not appear when the auras of living physical things are present as it disrupts their frequency.
This certainly is more interesting than the crimes of the world.
Nuff Said