Stella my dear, you're not fat, you just have on 90 pounds of mascara!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In this blog and doing things for research, I come across things. In most instances, I just graze over and move on, but sometimes, I have enough of the horror to go back and really look at what I am seeing.
That is the case in the following "charity" photos of some very pretentious rich people, the 5% which looted America and made my life hell. I honestly thought rich people were attractive, as you know, they are rich and can afford things to not make them look uggo. I mean, I am the one who wears dead people's clothes exclusively in being in poverty, so I should look shitty, but when I got a view of this horror show in Florida, I realized that Meghan McCain is the rule, not the blimpy exception.
What started this all out was this photo, as I was looking at the waiter. I mean he sums it up in, "MY LIFE SUCKS AND THESE HAGS LOOK LIKE MY SUCKY LIFE".
What could be worse really than being stuck in hot ass humid Florida, serving things to people think their shit does not stink, and being pesticided by their gallons of perfume. People who piss more money down the toilet in a week, than you make in a year, and you have to stand around serving their ungrateful asses drinks.
Just by his expression, you know that not one of these rich assholes ever tipped him a hundred bucks.

Just look at the animal prints, bed drapes, flowered geezer shit and I swear I would NEVER pick this stuff up if the Thrift was giving it away.
The males all look like pedophiles or are having sex with blow up dolls and yet these creatures apparently have never been laughed at for wearing such hideous things. Seriously, they worked hours getting these costumes together and this is the best they could come up with.

No wonder the world is full of shitty politicians from the top on down, as this is the shit which picks our rulers. Everyone of these dorks screams out, "I donated to Joe Biden!"
I mean a normal person seeing this group would have grabbed a bottle of the best booze, and walked out the door to get away from people like this. Who would spend an afternoon with people like this?
This is the human sewer of primates, people so rich, that no one ever informs them that they belong in the carnival freak show display.
What makes me burst out laughing is this photo though, in you have the primate monkeys up front, who for some reason have paid more money to be special zoo exhibits, and then you have that Malcolm in the Middle kid on the left with the shades on.
I mean goddamn sister Sarah. This midget whose dad has the war chest that mummy made him pay dearly for spreading her legs, wants to be in the picture with the top rung, and all I honestly see are the same picnic photos from around here, of people with no taste in fashion, posing like they are someone, and we all know their dish they brought to pass was something the cat licked on.
Yes lets all go wear our 5000 dollar clothes in 95% humidity and sweat our asses off in them, instead of staying inside where the air conditioning is.
Nuff Said