As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I really would that all of these fucktard outsiders would stop praising Governor Kristi Noem or weighing in like they know what the hell is out in cowchip South Dakota in the Coronavirus, because they are all wrong as Governor Kristi Noem.
The entire population of South Dakota is smaller than most cities. That was a huge factor. SD also lacks international airports. Governor Kristi Noem did what was best, and she was right, but it’s irresponsible for media to assert statewide economic decisions should be equal.

Meghan McCain
.@govkristinoem can take the victory lap on this one... she made the decision to keep her state responsibly open while being called a murderer by the mainstream media and ended up being right. Now South Dakota doesn't need aid from the US government....
The reality is as this Lame Cherry has explained is South Dakota had an asset and a liability going for them and that was Kristi Noem.
Noem was an asset in there was zero way she was going to enforce a lock down order on those primatives. These are Western folk and in reality, Montana, Wyoming and North Dakota are doing equally well as South Dakota. So Noem did what she had to do, in taking credit for what people were going to ignore any way.
South Dakotans are German Scandinavian, they are a bright, stupid, naturally cautious and reckless folk. It is their dichotomy, and they have Asian Aboriginal Indians.
Noem's liability was she kept the slaughter plants open, which is what spiked South Dakota hot, and that was not a miracle, that was criminal on her part in catering to Goddamn Wall Street and foreigners.
Sioux Falls has almost 5000 cases and has not abated, Rapid City is the growing hot spot, as are all the Indian reservations. The reality is the dirty, filthy foreigners in Mexicans, Africans, Asians and Indians is what was the spread in South Dakota.
South Dakota did not dump plague carriers into old folks homes, as Florida did not. That is what kept South Dakota's numbers from spiking across the board. The failing of Noem was the dirty tan skins, and she is the one who has been at odds with Indians who literally have shut the highways down in South Dakota as their plague is still spreading. The names of the tribes mean nothing, but in the northeast part of the state, the Indians have their peoples locked up and shut down from Coronavirus spread.
Noem catered to former Governor Mike Rounds and Dennis Daugaard's selling of South Dakota to the Chinese. Now she wants to bring in more industry and left wing voters to destroy her state as she preens. The reality is that what saved South Dakota was not Kristi Noem, but the Germans and Scandinavians who are a clean people and who have common sense. The Whites of South Dakota did not spread the plague, beyond a few cases of inner cousin groups like Bob Glanzer of Huron, who died a horrible death. Otherwise in Sioux Falls the reality is the foreigners got the plague and the Whites have sense.
I know a guy in South Dakota, who has a very public business, which draws in numbers of plague carrier Minnesotans, truckers and regional people. I asked him about the plague and he said he did not have any cases, even hiring a few Mexicans. There are no masks, people are coming and going, no sanitizers and not any precautions of lines painted on the floor. As I have told you, this was a shit spread disease and is now a snot spread cure, and South Dakota as long as you are a moral person in cleanliness is to Godliness, you are not going to contract this biological weapon or the cure.
I can tell you for a fact, that if South Dakotans, Wyomingians, Motnanans were in New York or New Jersey, they would not have caught the virus and a pandemic would not have spread there, any more than the virus affected the rural White populations in those states in any numbers, for the simple reason White People do not live worse than animals. So those making the comparisons of populations are wrong in Castros as much as McCains appraising the situation. They all have shit for brains and have no idea who these peoples of the Plains are.
Study Minnesota for example, every place there is a huge surge in cases there are Goddamn dirty foreigners, or indigenous Aboriginal Asians or Negroids. If Coronavirus was a threat to the population at large, there would not be counties which have such low cases, next to hot spots. The hot spots are created because these Darwins eat with the shit hands they fuck with.
What you are witnessing is the reality of thee American Genocide. The replacing of genetically superior Caucasians with hygiene and DNA genes which resist plague.
So unless Kristi Noem wants to take credit for God's work in breeding the Spiritual chosen race, which have immunity to the Black Death, HIV and Plague from their Delta gene, she is as guilty as she is a politician going along for the ride.
Kristi Noem's guilt is equal to all these politicians, and Catholic Charities, Jew Charities and Lutheran Social Services who brought all this foreign plague carriers into America and more are still poring into the United States.
None of you have to move to the cow chip South Dakota to find security. You have your zones in your metros which are not hot, and you have counties in your states, all of your states which have the Caucasian groups which are not plague carriers or spreaders, because another plague will come in biological weapons, and the same hot spots will be hot again. You should be learning from this data as it is there and it should be teaching you things.
PS: To the Castro chic, there are towns and cities in South Dakota which had a higher infection rate than New York City.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said