Former Al-Qaeda Operative Claims Qaeda/ISIS Run By The CIA - Activist Post ∞ activistpost
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In December of an Obama year, the Lame Cherry shocked readers who found it hard to believe that Barack Obama was leading international terrorism out of 1600 Penn Avenue, and yet the evidence has finally leaked out of the CIA, that this is exactly what Birther Hussein did.
Barack Obama had gone after the legitimate President of Syria in Bashir Assad, as Obama envisioned Pan Obama, his mark on the Middle East to culminate with Peace with Iran, which turned into a nuclear disaster.
The CIA intended under David Patraeus to topple Assad as Obama desired, but Obama's inner circle would not give the green light to SecDef Panetta or SecState Clinton. The mechanics of the revolution were in play. Turkey was receiving arms out of Libya in that blood bath, Jordan was the CIA training ground and the the Jews were overseeing intelligence operations, yet Obama fiddled, which allowed for the crushing of the anti Assad forces, who then became Obama's ISIL or ISIS.
Ex-CIA Agent Comes Clean on Syria: Obama Allowed for the Creation of ISIS
Obama’s later-instituted plan to train and arm moderate Syrian rebels missed the mark in being comparatively conservative — once the Free Syrian Army disintegrated, anti-Assad fighters scurried to far more extreme groups. Of those, a large number of former FSA rebels who joined Syria’s al-Qaeda faction, for instance, eventually became the foundations of ISIL.
Uncle Gordie of the Veterans Today site, provided intelligence as to what ISIS was. ISIS was never a terror group. ISIS instead was Kurds, provided trucks to steal oil out of Iraq and Syria. This became such an Obama disaster that John McCain wrested power from Obama's group as acting SecDef and these terrorists from Ukraine to Syria, became McCain's terrorists acting out in Obama's upheaval of the mideast for communist spread.
Obama's policy slaughtered 500,000 Syrians, many of them Christians. If not for the stabilization brought by Vladimir Putin, Syria would be another terrorist cesspool.
The fact is Obama McCain allowed that stolen oil to be sold to Turkey, where billions of dollars were then funneled to the Obama's Kurds, and in that cut, that money was being laundered back into the political parties in America. Remember what the anti Trump, Rence Preibus uttered in reverse speech, that money was coming into the GOP from terrorist to stop Trump. That was John McCain's doing.
The CIA moving to release admissions on this, that they could have stopped what happened in Syria if Obama had not circumvented their plans, is proof that Obama was involved in a Marxist agenda which had nothing to do with with security of America, but had to do with more despot money laundering as Obama laundered in 300 million dollars from Muslim terrorists in counterfeiting in 2008 to ACORN with the Bush family help. You paid for that in the TARP bailout as that came in on Chase Manhattan VISA cards.
The high crimes of Barack Obama are real. David Patreaus was set up for removal from office, destroyed his political challenge to Obama and Jeb Bush, and Patraeus was replaced with Islamocommunist John Brennan who ran the Pissgate coup with James Comey of FBI against Donald Trump and America.
The worst of the butchery in the Mideast happened with Brennan being the point man for Obama's Marxism.
This blog has been proven right again. The CIA can only do so much, as Obama wanted an oil theft ring in money laundering and that is what he got, with a war as a cover.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said