Friday, October 2, 2020

A Brier Patch Event

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was telling Paul, a month ago, about the need for some firepower, due to dopers are making drop offs as the wicked one, allowed them access to the place, and when you run with trash you stink like trash.......that is what the wicked one's mum told him, and I would like to tell him that yet.

Anyway, he had a rifle hear, so I picked it up and put it in the pick up as there was no sense in it being stolen as his daughter said it was a good idea as she is a real gem of a person.

So when we do errands, it is dodging cats and things on the place. I have to feed the animals to keep them away from the pick up, and today TL started the vehicle and backed down the drive, as I was feeding the pets. I never bothered to look what was in the pick up as my mind is on a hundred other things, like keeping warm this winter, so I just was stunned when we made our second stop and were loading groceries, when I opened the door, and there were two rifles on the seat.

Only in the brier patch can someone like me drive around town, people no doubt look in and saw the rifles and would never touch them. It was amusing as it looked like I was going to rob a bank like Bonnie and Clyde.

The one rifle is the old Stevens 3 in 1, as I have been working on it, used a wire brush to polish the firing pin as it sticks in cold weather. I found some wicked one silicon spray and sprayed the hell out of it, so we will see how that works as STP oil treatment is wonderful, but is too viscous for cold weather. I would use that black rock stuff for AR 15's if I could afford that, but I might try to burnish this firing pin with a dremel tool this winter if I have time.

The thing is, these two rifles laying on the seat are not the only guns I had in the pick up, as behind the seat I fixed up a bolt action Wards or Sears 20 gauge. Killed a skunk with it, so I know the thing fires. Was looking to pot some game birds this year, as last year there was nothing doing on that road poaching expedition running errands for the wicked one.

The brier patch has lots of assholes in it. Some pretty good people left too. It is though something which caught me off gaurd though in seeing two rifles on the seat when I opened the door. Was glad the cop did not stop me, as he would have seen them and asked and I would have been puzzled with an "Oh shit, I forgot they were there" and then have to explain I was fixing one, and the other was to keep a doper from stealing it...............and by the way I got a shotgun behind the seat as everyone should have something behind the seat, like two baseball bats, one aluminum which will not break and one wooden one which I hope will not break, to kill animals I catch or to clobber some goddamn foreigners who get out of line..but really they are just for batting practice as TL and I do that all the time.

I also have a metal hammer I found on the road, a vice grip, screwdriver, wrenches and fencing stuff, and I lump all of them like the guns as tools into my mind. For all I know there was an empty beer can on the dash for that real redneck peckerwood look, along with my Coronavirus gloves.

An old  gal stopped us in the store and said, "Gee I am not the only one", and she had gloves on too. I told her it was the smart thing.....smarter than them asstards in masks inside the vehicle. They must wear them in the house too. Had a fat ass broad with the stupid salt and pepper husband in masks today too. There she sneezed in our aisle, and I was like, "Goddamn what kind of contagious spreader are you". How the hell do you sneeze in a mask? Must have been allergic to her own stink. Kind of nauseating to think of snot drops all over her face, with her real germs, blowing the mask out and up into her eyes. Snot eyes, probably will be some new disease.

I wore a mask to do some floor demolition. My nose looked like I could plant beans in the dirt. I could not wear my safety glasses as they fogged up, so he nose stayed out, I tried to breathe through my mask, then up on my cheater specs to see which is dangerous, but it was all horse shit. Only reason I masked up, save the last minute of sawing was I did not know if the old floor tile had asbestos in it. I pray it did not as I had enough of that shitty work in dripping sweat, monster headache even with a mask on, and aching all over.

Yeah this was about guns, but I don't wear a mask with my guns as people would conclude I was a criminal, and I am not auditioning to be a Darwin Nig, as that race seems to look for ways to trigger cops to blast their Toby's to the morgue or a wheelchair retirement, where they can do what the Afroid is best at, eating, fucking and shitting. That might sound racist, but if it appears here, it means that you do not have to say it, although from most of the people I have spoken with this past week, they say things like, the cops should keep firing and civilians should go boom, boom boom, to solve their riot problems.

As I said this is the brier patch. People just talk and most leave grocery lists on their seats. The poor orphan girl just leaves guns.

Nuff Said

