“We are former national security and senior officials who served under the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and/or Donald Trump, or as Republican Members of Congress or Senior Congressional Staff members.
“We proudly endorse the re-election of
Donald J. Trump.”
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter,
The Lame Cherry is posting this Sara Carter story for the simple reason it has the names of the very few Patriots left in the United States.
60 Plus Senior Officials Sign Letter in Support of Donald Trump.
I have the sincerest respect for these Americans. Ed Meese and Rudy Boschwitz especially, as they were the Cold Warriors who led America from the Jimmy Carter brink and stopped a hot nuclear war from happening by their complete support for another President in Ronald Reagan.
The signed below are real Americans, genuine Americans. They served the United States not as political whores who get trotted out to new world order America in betrayals whenever a Biden, Obama, Clinton or Bush drops a coin in their cunt purse.
There would not be a United States if these Patriots had not put their fingers in the dike, plugging the myriad of leaks which this worst group of Presidents in history weakened the United States with in their 1% policies.
The destruction of our national government was seated in the removal and marginalization of these loyal Americans.
I would put this list up a billion of that trash led by William Kristol and the other state sponsored trolls who are ordered to trash this President with their recurring denunciations as they prostitute themselves for the revolving door of corporate and government jobs selling influence.
Nuff Said