Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Claudia Conway had a Tantrum


 White House confirms President Trump is back working in Oval Office   oann


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


As a child growing up, we had nothing literally as sharecroppers. There was honor instilled in us, out of respect and fear, for our parents. It was based in the reality that, we did not have money. We did not have a place to turn if things went bad. Each of us knew as children, that we were never to jeopardize anything in our actions which would make us homeless or lose what little we had. It was abiding and a terror deep within us, that made us behave.

 That is why when I have forced in front of me, another spoiled brat, the product of bad parenting in a dad who can not control his Trump derangement out of respect for his wife, and a wife who is blackmailed out of love for that husband, and blackmailed by a spoiled brat she helped create by indulging this thing, it makes me want to vomit from gut and heart, to rid myself of this putridity which is the 15 seconds of fame in Claudia Conway, the 15 year old self centered she thing, who wants to be emancipated from her parents, and her parents if they had any Biblical sense would sell this thing to Joe Biden to molest as that is the BLM world that Claudia Conway embraces.



The left celebrates Claudia Conway as their child whore. They prostitute everything she says in hatred of Donald Trump, to dishonor her father and destroy her mother's career, as she is a snowflake delinquent who has never had the responsibility of knowing or caring that she destroyed someone's life. She is a sociopath in she can not have empathy or feel the damage she does to others.

2020 in the Obama legacy of what Claudia Conway is. ANTIFA sets fires to forests and claims they are greens. BLM beats up and rapes people, and claim they are civilized.
Claudia Conway has for months, been posting in her parents affluence which is owed to every working American who behaves themselves as that is where their careers are funded from, a series of tantrums in her one dimensional world. She has neither care nor clue that some very real people in Pyongyang, Tehran, Moscow, Peking and in terror camps assess the things she is posting on to glean an inside look at the White House of Donald Trump.
What is her tantrum is intelligence by people who cut people's testicles off, shove them into their mouths and then blow their brains out, and leave the body on the lawn of their relatives as a message. This is a real world beyond the protection of her affluent parents, who have law enforcement fending off the BLM and ANTIFA rioters, while regular people have to change their habits to not be attacked by what Claudia Conway in tantrum, supports.

Claudia Conway posted on TikTok an absolute lie that the President was not doing well. The left jumped on this in order to use it against Donald Trump, but others in this, intelligence agencies to terrorists, assess this and make plans to carry out espionage or terror attacks, which get real people like Seth Rich murdered on DC streets for being a whistle blower.

There are consequences to Claudia Conway's tantrums. The White House says it can not discover how the Coronavirus entered the White House. You probably missed what the White House just confirmed in this virus did not come from the diversions of Hope Hicks, Cleveland Debates or Rose Garden Ceremonies. The White House just confirmed that it does not know how in all of this turmoil of fake polls and Claudia Conway distractions how a biological weapon got inside the White House and infected the President and First Lady, and spread to so many others.

Trump admin.: Still ‘unknowable’ how virus got into White House   oann 

The exclusive of this attack on the President and First Lady was this blog. This deadly L Strain was ingested and by what the White House revealed, that means the virus was introduced in the residential quarters, the White House kitchen or in what the PLA was plotting for with their first strike weapon, after testing in vaping, was water introduction. Due to the numbers of people, including those with masks who are infected, the logical conclusion is those behind this attack, initiated it by the bottled water supply to the White House.

Claudia Conway in her million dollar luxury, thinks this is something to hurt Mommy over, to make her a popular girl with the future lesbian liberals she texts with, but in the recesses of American intelligence at the CIA, DIA and FBI, there is with the Secret Service an examination in who just moved to take out the American leadership in the White House and that includes the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon.

But Claudia Conway is just having a tantrum, but others are assessing what foreign intelligence just made a move with #NeverTrumpers to bring down command and control of the Commander in Chief and the United States military as that is what just took place.

Those are the actions of nuclear powers, of Muslim terror powers, of election meddling of 2016 governmental intelligence agencies as MI6 and Mosaad, to have others blamed for their actions in the grand game. Those are the realities of the assessed public information, but Claudia Conway is having another tantrum and liberals are whoring her in thinking this is about just taking down Donald Trump, when in reality the projections are someone is in process to start a series of events which will cause nuclear detonations in those pretty metro neighborhoods where all these rich people lived for a greater agenda of a global war.

Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Anderson Cooper, little Claudia Conway, it all adds up in this not so 5th column, well funded by Warren Buffett, George Soros and Google ads.

Once the common thought realizes that the Commander in Chief and the military leadership was just targeted, then responses begin to generate as were intended by those behind this, and then a tantrum which emboldens an enemy and weakens the United States Government, has consequences that little children behind locked gates will begin to experience the consequences of, as WMD's as Coronavirus Wuhan proved, reach into the inner sanctum of even the elite.

As a child, I was blessed by an interaction with God, so Wisdom prevailed, I understood that my butterfly wing actions had consequences which could destroy my life, if I harmed my family's ability to provide a home, and this would spread out to my kindred, and move into our community as we were all in the same precarious position. But then I grew up under nuclear bombers and silos. I always knew I was 15 minutes away not from fame, but from nuclear death. I understood that actions had consequences.

It is a reality that Joe Biden voters have zero comprehension that their actions have set in motion dire consequences. Claudia Conway thinks she can cry wolf and the wolf will not appear. The wolf appeared at the White House and in her home, and she still does not comprehend that dangerous people have made a move on the United States and the United States is in process of initiating a response.




