Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Donald Trump The Instrument of God


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter.


Trump says catching COVID-19 was a 'blessing from God'


 There can be no denying that only God could take a mass assassination attempt upon the President is using the biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan, to save mankind from this hideous Obama Biden laboratory mass murder weapon.

 The President has been hands on in this epidemic from the start, overcoming Obama holdovers who spread the infection inside these United States, in fear and panic, which democrats have tried to use this biological weapon to steal the 2020 elections.

The President though in being fully informed on every treatment, including Chloroquine, upon being deliberately infected, kept his faculties about him, with a 103 fever, pondering if he was on his way out, remembered the experimental treatment of antibody clones, and bravely said, "If I am going down, let my body be the experimentation on which to save American lives", and with that took the full dose, and walked bravely across the White House lawn, boarded Marine One for Walter Reed, in order for the treatment to be recorded for the benefit of mankind.

The robust and God chosen nature of the President though had him on the mend almost immediately. In two days he was cured, while most people take months.

Now the world is one step closer to Coronavirus salvation, and Donald Trump is that savior.

For all of the wonderful Presidents America has had, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Ronald Reagan, and America has had its share of worthless culls like Woodrow Wilson Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, none have ever risen to being called by God to lay down his body as a ransom for many.

Can anyone deny the assaults upon President Trump by the leftists is nothing short of the Romans and Sanhedrin attacking Jesus of Nazareth. They wish his death. They howl with delight as he stumbled and fell carrying the cross of Coronavirus for the duty of his Heavenly Father for the mercy of all mankind.

Can anyone not see, "By Donald Trump's illness, we are healed!"

Yes God has blessed the world in the leadership and recovery of Donald Trump, that each of us, no longer needs to exist in fear, but with the Trump Treatment, we are by Donald Trump, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty, We are Free at Last.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

