As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Ok, so China is attempting to displace the United States Dollar, for an electronic currency.
This is the dollar.

This is China's digital currency.

This is China's digital currency under cyber attack.

This is China's digital currency when the lights go out.

This is what happens to those people who think they are going to displace the Dollar for their interests instead of the world order.
I have never understood economic ignorants. Assets are things of value, things you can hold. Your work is translated into paper money, which is represented by "precious metals" established as a value to your work.
In this world economic system, you store your labor in banks and move your money around by plastic cards for efficiency. You store your labor in retirement accounts or in stocks in corporations who pay you money to use your money you invest in their profit structure.
All of this is backed by something.
What is backed by nothing is your purchasing precious metals, and all you have is a piece of paper saying you own something. What is not backed by anything are these digital currencies. They are fictions, and just as someone selling you gold ON YOUR TRUST and YOU TRUST A PAPER SAYING SOMETHING EXISTS, you still do not have that asset as you can not drive over and pick up that gold.
The same is true with digital currencies. They require two things. Electricity and a computer program to keep track of what the amount is.
When the lights go out, the currency does not exist. When an emp fries a hard drive, the currency does not exist. Even with printed out tallies, when the lights and computers disappear, all you have is a piece of Dick Allgire paper saying you own something of no value, that does not exist, and you are not going to get jack or shit from it.
Digital Currencies are the same scam that Derivatives are. They are speculations in trading debt as if a debt has value, when it can never be paid back as it is too immense. A Digital Currency is the same as buying beer. Your money is gone when you piss it down the drain and you have to pay for the water to flush it.
Peter Schiff and his phantom gold currency is warning of Dollar inflation. Yes inflation is taking place, because THE DOLLAR HAS VALUE. It does not matter if it requires 10,000 dollars to buy a loaf of bread, because the Dollar still has value to buy that bread. E currency has zero value in it will purchase absolutely nothing and when you have a Digital Yuan, all you have is the assurance that the crooked Goddamn lying Chinese are not backing their currency again with gold that is painted over lead bars.
Gold in the real world has no value. You can not do a thing with it. If gold costs 10,000 Dollars an ounce or 20 Dollars an ounce, it is reflecting what the Dollar's value is, not what the gold value is, as gold is constant and it is the Dollar which loses value or gains value.
Digital currency is an economic weapon aimed at the United States. Yes the Europeans desire a bankrupt, but not destroyed America, so America will be subservient to the European order. The Europeans are not going to allow China to have an economic stranglehold on the world. Therefore the above measures will be employed to wipe out China and the idiots who trade in cyber Yuan in the global control of power.
People who trust and invest in China might as well throw their money into a bottomless pit, as they are never going to be allowed to get it back.
China Moves Away From US Dollar, Ahead Of Digital Yuan ∞ zh
Xi Junyang, a professor at the Shanghai University in China was cited as saying that China is on track to reduce its holdings of US bonds from $1 trillion to $800 billion. But he added, “China might sell all of its US bonds in an extreme case, like a military conflict."
Bitcoin critic and gold investor Peter Schiff agreed, tweeting, “My feeling is that China will reduce its exposure by much more. It's also likely that other nations will do likewise."
Schiff added, “That means the Fed is gonna need a much bigger printing press, and Americans had better be prepared to really pay up.”If true this is very significant. In fact, my feeling is that China will reduce its exposure by much more. It's also likely that other nations will do likewise. That means the Fed is gonna need a much bigger printing press and Americans had better be prepared to really pay up! https://t.co/mcemxItX3o— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) September 3, 2020
This is economic warfare, and it will bring warfare beyond Chinese plagues from Wuhan, to actual shredding of China into pieces, and those who were foolish enough to not keep shipping their gold to the Europeans to be plundered by that house.
Digital currencies are zero value, they are the sum of zero and can never appreciate or depreciate, as they are zero. Nothing always is nothing. It is something in being nothing, but it is always nothing.
The report added that many other countries might diversify their foreign exchange reserve assets to decrease the reliance on US-dollar assets. This would be in the hope of minimizing potential risks caused by US debt.
China’s upcoming digital yuan will be a contender. Officially called the Digital Currency Electronic Payment, it will increase the accessibility and accountability of the yuan while increasing international trade on its wholly-digital system.
Experts have already said that the digital yuan may threaten the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency
The dominoes will fall and China is setting up for a complete economic annihilation and it will cripple everyone from Russia to Iran who sign onto this ordered catastrophe.
This once is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said