As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was standing here thinking how odd the wicked uncle is, as I was looking for a jacket to put on to do some chores in the chill, and there was nothing in the a grocery list.
Maybe I am the strange one, but then my people are strange, as my old man had all kinds of shit in his pockets from change to knives. My pockets usually have two knives in them in my pants. For coats, I can not put on a coat without the pockets having everything from staples, to insulators, to that rock picking thing from my Gram as she was always picking up pretty rocks. I usually have too much shit in my pockets weighing me down as I frown, but I need things to fix fence or to pick up some metal so the cattle do not eat it.
My Beloved Uncle had my Aunt marvel over what a simple man he was in not being complex and down to earth, as when he died, his pocket had a bent nail, his knife and other things which had little value. I have the same things and most people I know have those kinds of things in their pockets as you just don't feel right if you have your pockets empty.
I have never been the pliers in the holder and knives on the loops person. I think that is ridiculous, but all the same when someone puts their hands in my pockets, there is life in their in experiences, not the kind of sterilized world the wicked on existed in.
Come to think of it, the people I know who carry things around have trees growing around their places too. I had an electric guy ask me where we lived and I told him and he said, "Oh you're the one who lives in that big grove of trees." Well it was not a big grove of trees, but we let trees grow as they are hard to come by here.
Wicked one instead took the big grove of trees and cut the shit out of them as he was uncomfortable with things being close to him. In reality though the trees he left, are ash, they are really shitty trees like him. They grow wrong, break off, are a nuisance and a menance and are all going to have to be gotten rid of, as they are going to smash the house when they fall down.
The place the wicked one clutters is change on the kitchen table, the nightstand and the stand by his chair. That is his clutter and as I look it is meds, tv shit and not paper money. He has nothing intimate and other than that is a display of people on his fridge that he convinces himself are people who liked him, and old pens in a ceramic on the table which do not work.
Everything about him is kept at a distance, like a shed. I mean my God, you can't have a rechargable battery in the house, you keep them in 20 below temperatures out in the shed. He never wanted anyone close or anything touching him.........and this comes from a person who does not like people touching the poor orphan.
Maybe in life, people should instead of asking things about those they date, instead should compare pockets in the things they wear. If your pockets do not match, then maybe that is a sign that you are not the same psychology. Wicked went through 3 women and I never saw what any woman would ever see in that bastard. They were all probably women who had things in their pockets. They should have had things to keep him out of their pants.
I think a person should leave something behind more than a list that you want bananas. I would think you would not need a list with nothing on it, if all you ever ate was bananas like a monkey. I don't think chimps forget to eat bananas in needing a list, as they pretty much know what they are going to eat and that is bananas.
Seems not much of a legacy to me. Empty pockets, cut down all the trees and ate bananas.
Oh yeah, the Bible is on display in the case to prove he was the one who judged people for Jesus as Jesus needed a few pointers.
The wicked one sounds a great deal like the devil.
Nuff Said
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