Sunday, October 11, 2020

Just who the hell is Bob Dole to Donald Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to explain something which has been in plain sight for each of us and the key actor has been so nondescript, so mundane, so common, that his good nature disarmed the entire world, as he served the legacy, he was chosen for, for the United States of America.


 Robert Dole of Kansas, appeared as the only major Trump supporter in the Republican party. It would be Dole's people who would populate the Trump campaign and be led by the witch hunted Paul Manafort, which has always been a mystery in why the coup plotters targeted him with such devastating vitriol.

Now in the final weeks of the Presidential campaign, Bob Dole has appeared again, this time notifying the world that the Debate Commission all is against Donald Trump in the GOP side and for Joe Biden.


Notice that Bob Dole singled out the Missouri and the Maine leaders. For those who are not yet connecting the dots, Missouri has been all over the coup against Donald Trump.

Former Attorney General, John Ashcroft proteges are Robert Mueller, James Comey, Christopher Wray, and the financial queen, now protected by Mike Pence, in the woman looting the Republican party in Katie Walsh.

John Danforth represents the Bush mafia in this, and Olympia Snowe of Maine is the Kennebunkport Mafia of the Bush family.

Members of the commission's board of directors include former GOP Sens. John Danforth (Mo.) and Olympia Snowe (Maine). All of the living former presidents serve as honorary co-chairs.


 Return to 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, who was it that started the Pissgate Dossier on Donald Trump? It was Marco Rubio, with Paul Singer, who began the dossier, as a service to Jeb Bush, which was supposed to take out candidate Donald Trump, and Rubio was to replace Ted Cruz as the Latino front runner.

Mike Pence has the front man for the Bush family and has been putting his Indiana mafia into most one, Mike Pompeo of Bob Dole's Kansas.

Kansas is a joke to most people, but Kansas produced a man once, who would clerk for General MacArthur, and who would be chosen over all others to lead the Allies in World War II, in Dwight Eisenhower, the internationalist.

Eisenhower was no more a Republican than the Bush family ever was. His mandate in being elected to the presidency was to begin the transformation of America to a more Soviet system. Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex, because he was promoting a Socio Conglomerate Police State which democrats implemented.

David John Oates in Reverse Speech on the Kennedy assassination, came across an interesting reversal which revealed that Prescott Bush went to former President Eisenhower to sign off on the Kennedy assassination. Whatever the reasons were for John Kennedy's removal, the results were carried out after the third attempt.

Bob Dole is an American Hero. Almost killed in combat in Italy, with most of his hand blown off, Bob Dole would return to America and rise to trusted prominence where he would be chosen by the Kansas son, Dwight Eisenhower, to be his protege as one of the caretakers of America.




Bob Dole would be the force in defending President Richard Nixon in the coup which brought him down as other "Republicans" abandoned the President. 



Dole would be the choice to replace globalist Bush patrician, Nelson Rockefeller on the Warren Report's Gerald Ford's presidential run, as the future Vice President. Dwight Eisenhower's Vice President in Richard Nixon, had passed the inner circle, to Bob Dole's care.

If you study the Bush family, who were joined at the hip with the liberal democrats in working against Ronald Reagan's legacy, ending gun dealerships, while adopting rapist Bill Clinton as another son, you will see that Bob Dole when seated with the Bush family, is the one in control, not Poppy Bush.




Not Sonny Bush. 



Bob Dole would lead the Senate in the epic Reagan restoration of America in implementing Reagan's Doctrine. When the time came for Bob Dole to fulfill his role as President, he would come up against George HW Bush's future adoptive son in Bill Clinton.
Like all of these non Bush family Republicans, they would discover their campaigns were sabotaged from inside.  Sarah Palin would reveal this in the coup plotters against John the hero McCain, another Bush family rival. Fred Thompson of Watergate fame would discover himself destroyed by Mitt Romney, another Bush Mormon dupe, who was a strawman so another Bush comrade in Barack Hussein Obama would be installed into the White House.

Bob Dole was robbed of the White House, as numbers of Conservatives later discovered from George Allen to Larry Craig who were eliminated so Jeb Bush could run for the White House.
In this Donald Trump and Bob Dole were kindred spirits, because when this group installed internationalist foreigner Birther Hussein Obama, Obama knowing he did not match up with Donald Trump, stupidly tried to humiliate Donald Trump at a celebrity roast, and from that the candidate who Bob Dole would pass the mantle to was politically born in Donald John Trump

Ronald Reagan was chosen to restore the United States. Bill Casey of the OSS and CIA would guide this mission in the White House, while George HW Bush was plotting an impeachment over Iran Contra.
The very deep state moved against Ronald Reagan in an assassination to place Vice President HW Bush into the Oval Office, but failed. There are patterns in this, as much as the Plamegate coup was never about getting George W. Bush, but in removing Vice President Dick Cheney who would be a competitor to a Jeb Bush and Colin Powell ticket. It was Powell's henchman for the Rockefeller and Bush's in Richard Armitage who leaked Valerie Plame's name to the press.

So for the first time in all of this, in plain sight for years, the Lame Cherry has revealed who Bob Dole really is. You are witnessing an alliance which moved to take America back from where it had been hijacked to.

These are men and women beyond politics. This is Majestic 12. Bohemian Grove. Shin Bet, Paper Clip, all operating from the shadows, with a front as in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, in the Defense Intelligence Agency in the innocent democrat, General Michael Flynn.

That is just who in the hell Bob Dole is to Donald Trump, and the rest of the world.


Nuff Said
