My Excrement is Sexually Perverted
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Most of you know Warren Zevon in his Werewolves of London. Jenny Agutter was hotter than hot in the movie.
I think the soundtrack was Bad Moon Rising by John Fogerty, but no one wants to look at that old Obama fart rocker, when you can behold Jenny Agutter being hot.

What is not hot is the shit that is the fan, from Birther Hussein Obama, that shemale, democrats period, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This coup against America and William Kristol, John Kasich, Mitt Romney and the semen donations of John the hero McCain.
So for the anthem of this shit stain, the anathema of White Protestant Christian USA, Zev produced a perfect musical epitaph.
Warren Zevon - My Shits Fucked Up Live - YouTube
A brilliant performance of My Shits Fucked Up by the late Warren Zevon on Later with Jools Holland
Yeah their shit is fucked up, feces scented penis and nether manure hole, fucked up. Just think of My Shits Fucked Up, every time you see JoKam. That is the definition of them and this world they joined at the hip by.
Terminally Ill .
Nuff Said