As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
What you are going to be informed of here is multi million dollar information, and deserves that kind of donations, because I stumbled upon this reality by accident, and it is going to explain to you about a great mystery of orbs to crop circles.
We were employed to secure a residence which we were cheated out of, and to our stunned observation, the first night we had the security cameras up and running, there was a non stop triggering of the cameras, which are only supposed to be locating heat by motion.
In the above, the little white light, which looks like a flash light was one of the manifestations. There were also columns of grey light, and the typical ghost electronic plasma which is caught on recordings often.
I knew immediately what this was, as spiritual energy, but I could not figure out what the hell it was, as I have never felt anything dark on this place, and it always feels calm and serene. As you can tell by the troubling photo below, the energy cloud is large, and this was posing for the camera.
I didn't know if it was animal manitous or what, as I ponder it was being fed the energies of dead vermin we were removing, but these things really had an energy charge.
The top photo is picking up something about 50 yards away, and by the angle, the human would have to be 15 feet tall. There is a field of corn there, so this is not a vehicle, and again the light would be in the corn tassels. It is not the moon, stars, insects of camera anomalies, as you can see the energy charges change.
This went on for 6 hours in the camera going active sometimes every few seconds, and then going quiet for a half hour. It started at sundown, and kept going until 3 AM, then went active again at dawn, where I could not see anything.
I did take these photos apart, and the lights are not of this world in origin, so that leaves me with they are ghost lights.
TL said they are malevolent, and I understand why they are angry, because the person I generated them for, left the building by design, as he was in need of medical care. Yes I have given you the first AHA MOMENT in crop circles. I know what these things are now as I by accident discovered them in my experience. I created these energy entities. Here am I not going to tell anyone in public how I made them manifest, but I did a rip snortin' good job and am most pleased with the results, now that I know what they are.
They are completely non threatening to us or our animals or things. Yes they are angry because they have lost their purpose in Elvis left the building. That is why they are upset. and this one sucked the battery dry on the camera, which is really fascinating, as it apparently wanted to get my attention.
Upon inquiry, this was all explained, and these are my pets. I will give them new direction in their life cycle, and that is why I do not tell you how I do what I do, because you idiots would create these things and not have a cut off in them, and they would grow, become a life form, and probably be a problem.
So who is generating the crop circles? A quite artistic practitioner, as they are communicating the mystery, the forbidden knowledge in conjuring. Are all crop circles the entities? No, some are human made, but I know now, and so do you, that there was a human source which generated them for their own purposes.
As you can see these creatures get quite the energy charge. Then again, I'm quite good at creating these things, as one of my many talents. Two dark souled people told me I was to get over my hurts and that I was too sensitive beyond normal in their girl crew. That can not be helped as the Holy Ghost is in me, and the insult was to God, but my foes will deal with like creations with the same accomplishing results, as for the first time, I have visual proof of my work.
I still am without knowledge of why my creations took on three forms, columns, these strobes and the plasma swirls.......well there was another one like sparklers too with a strobe. Perhaps I'm just talented, but they do accomplish the mission, and soon all the trolls who hang out in Noory land scamming people on Big Foot and other things which I have explained and none of them have given me credit, will now be the always experts in knowing that the crop circles are from humans, who generated the lights.
I like my pets. I do not entertain them and I have Authority, but to study them and see them is pleasant. Like Christians, through me, God imparts light to the my animals, so they are greater charged to Glorify God in Heaven.
I should print these photos up and put them on my walls. People do that with their creations.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said