Sunday, October 4, 2020

President Leaves Hospital To Greet Patriots Outside



 You can see it in the President's eyes that in his most precarious moment
that he has a connection with thee American People in they love him.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In another Trump Triumph and why Americans are blessed to have such a robust, vigorous and virile President. President Donald Trump left Walter Reed today in keeping active, in driving by in the Presidential Limo to Patriots who were standing vigil outside.

Joe Biden can not even get out of his basement to an empty parking lot for a fake news conference, but Donald Trump battling back from a biological weapon attack upon his person, with eyes glinting with delight, showed Americans he is made of the Right Stuff.

This of course is the political moment of 2020.

Mark Meadows, Mike Pence, Chris Wallace and the rest who were spreading disinformation about the President's condition now have egg on their faces. Furthering, this report on real polling data which does not poll only liberals, reveals that Donald Trump is not only way ahead in the polls, but is surging.

Joe Biden does not have a 14 point lead and never did. Donald Trump is the one filling rallies and Donald Trump is the one bringing Democratic voters with enthusiasm to vote for the President.


Poll That DOESN’T Weight in Favor of Dems Shows Trump Leading Nationally



A new poll from the Democracy Institute and the Sunday Express reveals what the election would look like if pollsters didn’t routinely weight their samples heavily in favor of Democrats: Donald Trump comes out ahead.


The President is leading Nationally, not just in the Electoral College vote, but the National Vote.


Another glorious day in God's Chosen who drives furiously over the coup plotters.





