As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In monitoring President Donald Trump's medical progress in dealing with being deliberately infected by liberals with the Obama Chinese biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan, from Lame Cherry Medical, I could not be more pleased with his prognosis, care, and what an outstanding physical specimen the President is.
Friday, October 2, 2020
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Donald Trump should have his semen harvested and used to impregnate lesbians globally as a cure, as his manhood is that dominant.
In assessing the treatment of the President, the cat has been let out of the bag. For we have confirmed for the first time in public what works, besides Chloroquine and Ivomec with Zinc.
President Trump has been an exceptional leader in this entire biological warfare, in taking first the known treatments himself, and in this, what the medical experts are treating the President with, is exactly the remedies covered in this blog. Zinc, Vitamin D, and Melatonin were all featured here and are part of the Corona Cocktail which is producing a superman recovery in the President.
President Trump's in utilizing Monoclonal antibodies, these would be cloned Coronavirus antibodies from surviving patients which are produced by the New York company Regeneron, produced an interesting condition, in the President's fever disappeared. Fevers are for burning out viruses. The antibodies within 12 hours had wiped out the Coronavirus that the fever was gone.
“The current hypothesis for why famotidine may be effective in treating coronavirus is that it may bind to a viral enzyme (protease) that helps the virus replicate,” explains Robert Weber, Pharm.D
No firm evidence is available, but of course theory is accepted in this case of treatment that Pepcid AC inhibits virus reproduction.
The President has been fever free for over 24 hours. We remain cautiously optimistic, but he's doing great."
"At this time, the team and I are extremely happy with the progress the President has made. Thursday he had a mild cough and some nasal congestion, fatigue, all of which are now resolving and improving,"
The U.S. biotech company said in the animal study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, that the cocktail of two monoclonal antibodies was able to "almost completely block establishment of virus infection."
Regeneron said the cocktail was also able to minimize infection in a second study in which animals were infected with a much higher level of the virus. The prophylactic effect was greatly diminished with a lower dose of the drug, the company said.
As for Remdesiver., the queer AIDS drug, the Asians discarded it, it only showed minimal promise with accutely infected people on respirators, but this is Big Pharm and when you have the right bribes, your product goes to the head of the expensive taxpayer line.
It will not hurt the President, but the President will be cured of the virus, and have immunity into next year.
All of this could not be afforded by some poor orphan girl like me, which is why the tonic water, and other vet supplies are stocked up on, but the cloned antibodies have proven wonderful results and the fact is, there is not any need for this DNA changing injection by Bill Gates.
The President has saved the world again, in allowing himself to be treated with experimental drugs which the FDA keeps from the public.
Nuff Said