As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been active in this Obama Intifada, in researching how she could steal the presidency from thee American People.
Pelosi has discovered that the House picks a President if a stalemate occurs in the States. Pelosi's problem is the Republicans control more States in the Federal, so they would cast the votes for the President.
Not to be deterred, Pelosi has plotted that if she can not have a winner in Biden not conceding before a new Congress convenes in January, then if she can flip two Republican States, that she will then have the votes to choose the next President.
Again not deterred, Pelosi has read the documents and concludes if the House can not agree on a President, that she will be President as Speaker.
This old woman does not take into account that numbers of men in the House would gladly be elected Speaker to be President as Pelosi is half wit as Biden most days, and a coup there would not be that difficult.
The Senate chooses the Vice President, so in Pelosi's thinking the Republicans would choose the VP. Again, as this projects out, Donald Trump having the election stolen and put in as VP, would have either Biden who is about dead or Pelosi who is about dead as President in the Pelosi coup, and within months Donald Trump would be President again. This time not choosing a coup plotter like Mike Pence.
This though is how Nancy Pelosi's mind thinks in her presidential lottery.
Granted, there will be pressure to succumb Joe Biden and nominate Quadroon Kamala, for President, as liberals will look the future as a dead Biden or Pelosi would foil their plot.
The only thing that President Donald Trump and Joe Biden will probably ever agree on, is they both do not want Nancy Pelosi deciding anything or being President.