As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The cover up and deception in just who it was and how they infected President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, exposes the operation from the top levels of the deep state, as Chris JewZ Wallace has been wailing walling about wearing masks......when the evidence reveals 100% that masks did not protect anyone, because the virus was not spread from people breathing.
When this Lame Cherry broke the story of 11 media and organizers tested positive for Coronavirus, before the President arrived, there have been significant developments in if the President and First Lady were spreading, then why did not any of their children who were there or GOP staff contract Coronavirus?
Friday, October 2, 2020
Here is a photo from the actual debate in the Trump group. It appears that the First Lady was wearing a mask and yet she was the one who came down with the virus. That proves this virus was being deliberately spread to people ingesting it and it was deliberate.
Eleven people involved in the set-up and planning of Tuesday night's presidential debate have now tested positive for COVID-19, the city of Cleveland has confirmed, as debate moderator Chris Wallace revealed that Donald Trump and his family arrived too late to take the suggested COVID test.
Chris JewZ Wallace has been on a mission to hang this on Donald Trump in spreading the virus. The reality is the President was not symptomatic at the debate, nor was anyone else.
The entire thrust now has been in blaming Judge Amy Barrett's nomination ceremony at the White House, as "numbers" of people have been infected it is reported. The problem again in this is Judge Barrett does not have Coronavirus, and she was standing next to Donald Trump.
It is an amazing coincidence that who was infected was the President and First Lady, strategic White House adviser Kelly Conway, debate prep confidant Chris Christie and Conservative Mike Lee with Thom Tillis of North Carolina.
This was an open air, bright sunshine event. This virus does not spread in the open air. That means a contact point of body fluid transmission. No one reported a hacking cough, so the reality is there was some Typhoid Mary who had collected samples, who was contaminating things this group of infected victims touched.
Trump introduced his Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett — would be extraordinarily difficult. Seven people besides Trump who were there have tested positive in recent days: first lady Melania Trump, former White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and an unnamed journalist.
Just look at the evidence photos. There is not any way this virus spread outside.
The President was with the Barrett family and you can see he even touched the mic with his hand and Judge Barrett was within kissing distance of it. The point is what the point is, the ceremony was not the infection point, nor was the Oval Office.
There is a coordinated effort to make the Rose Garden the transmission point, and if it was then Judge Barrett and her family should be sick. If that is the case, then why in hell is it every outbreak which occurs, that Mike Pence has been around, but he never catches this plague?
Remember how this time line began in they were blaming little Hope Hicks as the spreader, until the talking points moved to the cover story of Judge Barrett and the Rose Garden. Hope Hicks was unwell on Wednesday. The President and First Lady both tested positive in that time, but it was judged a "false positive" as they both felt well. It was not until Thursday that they began to show symptoms, almost at the same time, which means they both ingested the contamination in the same period of time.
Hope Hicks, a senior White House aide, also has tested positive, though it is not known whether she attended the Rose Garden event.
Kelly Conway would test positive 12 hours later and Chris Christie would follow, as would the others who were infected in a time envelop, which reveals these were outlier infections, or they did not receive the kind of overwhelming exposure which the President and First Lady did.
The Trump children should be sick at this time, and that includes Barron, but none are, because they did not ingest what was the contamination.
Just like the deep state went after John F. Kennedy on three separate attempts, what is evident is there were three attempts to infect the President. The logistics appear as in previous attempts that someone deliberately infected Hope Hicks, in knowing she was in constant contact with the President.
Cleveland was another booger smear point. The last exposure point we can be assured as the talking points are targeting Judge Barrett, that it was definitely not the Rose Garden. I am not stating it did not produce an exposure point at the White House on that Saturday, but with Judge Barrett well, and the President was with her, the contact point was not where Amy Barrett was. That is definitive.
What we are absolutely certain of is Joe Biden never gets infected even in exposed locations. Mike Pence never gets infected in exposed locations.
As for locations, it is by evidence, that we know the President and First Lady were contaminated deliberately in a high dose of viral exposure at the same time.
We know that Hope Hicks was contaminated deliberately, 12 hours before the President and First Lady. Logistics would indicate she was the "ringer" the live carrier meant to expose the President and First Lady to force a quarantine.
Then there is the outlier groups. The Cleveland group seems to be a diversion location to create live virus for transmission.
The second outlier group were intended to give cover for that exposure of the President and First Lady by blaming the Rose Garden ceremony.
White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and an unnamed journalist.
In the study of these operations, it would be groups moving up from Capitol Hill in transportation, podiums, door handles, and in order to infect the President and First Lady this had to get around the Secret Service and would indicate the private quarters of Air Force One.
This is novel in how to save Joe Biden from losing another debate to the President. It was not Biden claiming to be sick, but those protecting Biden and in the media, infecting the President and the White House team.
Start looking at this from an intelligence operation standpoint, not what you are being conditioned by the media involved in this. Examine this as the Russian FSB would, as coup plotters hiding a snot assassination in the midst of a plague.
Those behind this have been attempting all summer to infect the President numerous times with human carriers. At this critical time to save Joe Biden, the move was made to deliberately infect the President and First Lady by ingesting the virus. The others were cover in this operation.
This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said