Thursday, October 1, 2020

President Trump the Debatemeister


Nom de Deus, this wife has NO TASTE IN DECOR, FASHION with Jake Tapper oblivious
and the children are real Biden babies in being skim milk half tards.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 When I heard the "non partisan" Debate Commission was moving without the consent of the candidates to change the debate rules, I wondered about it, because it is not legal. It is like buying a car, and the dealer deciding afterwards that you can only burn high octane gasoline that you have to drive 500 miles to get. Once something is agreed to or sold, you just can't go in and change the agreement.

RNC, Trump campaign push back on changing debate rules   thehill


I have had it with the generation old George Noory, "Well no one lost the debate but the real losers were the American People". What HORSE SHIT that is.

Debates were designed to have the GOP candidate beat up and the democrat stand there and have the media hold the GOP candidate down for defeat and then say the democrat won. Chris Wallace and Shep Smith pilled this shit on John the hero McCain, and it is always the case.

The media hated the "red meat" speeches of Pat Buchanan, but that is what the base wants and Americans love fighters. Donald Trump is fighting against an entire system which is going to throw him into prison and round up the right wing if the democrats, media and billionaires are allowed to steal this election.
Donald Trump mopped the floor with Joe Biden and used the douche of Chris JewZ Wallace to hose out his rectum. We know this as proof from Jake Tapper.

Jake Tapper describes friend's 6th-grade daughter running out of room in tears over Trump at debate   bizpacreview 

Kids know when their bully gets the shit kicked out of them and they can't cheat or call teacher to win it for them. Tapper's little skirt is proof that Donald Trump won the debate, no matter the spin. Donald Trump won and all the bullshit this brainless little girl believes, just got shown what the real world is, when the police state is not there criminalizing someone who thinks different than you.

I read a report where the Debate Commission wants to have a virtual debate, where people would be on monitors, and the moderator for Joe Biden could just mute Donald Trump. That is beyond unAmerican. If Joe Biden can not keep up with Donald Trump, that is Joe Biden's senile fault and democrats who ran that fool.

As you know if Joe Biden had shouted down Joe democrats always attempt to do in the Courts in not hearing Gun Rights bills, in Congress in Chuck Schumer not meeting with scary Judge Amy, and in the White House where plotters like Katie Walsh are always leaking to the press, it would have been called a fair debate and Donald Trump should grow a pair.

Joe Biden will never grow a pair. He has made a career out of shouting people down and belittling them with the media's collusion. A better man has finally appeared in Donald Trump, and little Tapper girl is going to have to learn to be a transgender lezbo, as she won't be able to deal with a real man, who tells her that her purpose in life is to fetch a beer, and bend over and bark like a dog, when she graduates from college as a wife, as she will never be anything without a real man......and a real man will never have anything to do with little Tapper.
Seriously can you imagine how ugly this child must be with Jake Tapper as a penis faced father? No wonder she runs out of the room bawling, as she is like dykester Michelle Obama, the ugly girl boy in the class.

The snowflake children went into meltdown over Donald Trump. Biden gets in there and they will be raped by Mexicans, raped by Muslims, raped by invading Russians and Chinese. They will find out what real men are like in lawlessness that Joe Biden perpetuated upon the females of this world.

Nuff Said


