As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
From the backwash of the Biden campaign and the media jumping on the video evidence that Joe Biden wore a wire and cheated that Presidential Debate, there is one fact in this, and that is THIS IS NOT A SHIRT CREASE.
You can watch the video for yourself. Biden makes a mental note to reach in, and he starts fiddling with something under his suit jacket and after he looks like he is turning something on, the wire slips out.
I have not inquired as to what Biden was up to. For all I know it was some sonic brain pulse wave to stop his Kurt Eichenwald seizures bringing on senility. There is absolutely no reason though that Biden should have wires coming out of his jacket, after he fiddles with something under his coat.
Treating dementia with the healing waves of sound ...
Tohoku University. (2018, July 20). Treating dementia with the healing waves of sound: Ultrasound applied to brain could help treat patients with dementia. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 25 ...
So it is a mystery if Biden has a pacemaker for his brain, whether it is sound or whether it is Jill, the second adulterous wife, whispering, "Come on Joe, make it to the end, as I have a little girl for you to fondle behind the curtain."
Apparently Joe Biden does not need just a drug test, but a strip search and anal exam before he enters a debate.
Nuff Said