I wake up every day, and say, "How can I shit on the Constitution"
and that's why George W. Bush appointed me.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Now that Bungholer John Roberts has once again re written laws, the question is, "Why should he limit votes being counted to THREE DAYS?"
Roberts Sides With Liberals: SCOTUS Allows PA To Accept Ballots Three Days Late ∞ dailywire
I mean shouldn't John Roberts have to count ballots for 3 years, as after all we want to give Joe Biden every opportunity to cause riots, murder people, burn down cities in protests, so the United States will be in limbo, and terrorists and nuclear power states like Iran will think this will be the time to strike America with a lethal blow.
After all the Pentagon has said they are not going to stop the riots. They are not going to defend the Presidency. They are not going to defend America. Why stop at THREE DAYS.
What about all those dead democrats. Hell we had one here who put it into his obituary (written three months ago) that he would be voting for Joe Biden. Now how in the hell did he have his daughter write an obit about voting for Biden, not knowing he was going to be dead before the election....as that is what these democrats had written.
Why not let this dead guy vote. Why stop there, let's let democrats since FDR vote as why should John Roberts limit there votes.
What about people who would have voted last time, and this time, but didn't. They should have four years to rectify their claim on the elections John Roberts.
Why stop there, there are millions who want to come to America. Delay the election so they can vote to. Why stop there John Roberts, send out 7.7 billion ballots to everyone in the world and count their votes too. Why should the United States just set one day for voting and counting ballots. Why should there be limits to ballots counted after the polls closed. Hell why even ask that as John Roberts just threw the entire election process under the bus, cheating every legitimate voter out of their vote.
You know damn certain that the anti Trump crowd are already, posting ballots with an official post mark, stamped just before the polls closed on election day. There are semi loads of these ballots which will appear. Before this is over, there will be a million more people voting in Pennsylvania and every other state for Joe Biden, and John Roberts will be certifying their votes too.
You know very well what John Roberts the bungholer is engaged in. It is called election meddling. He knows when Donald Trump wins this, that if enough Republicans get into Congress that they are going to impeach his ass, and throw that fag ass out on the streets. John Roberts should have been forced to recuse himself in this process due to his hatred for Donald Trump. There is nothing fair about John Roberts. He is the biggest child buying stooge on the planet, and he just so happens to be destroying the Constitution and enslaving Americans one Roberts Ruling at a time.
This Roberts Ruling on vote counting. This is his tarbaby. He owns this. The Lame Cherry again urges President Trump to do what President Abraham Lincoln did, in allowing his cabinet sign warrants for arrest, and the first injury, the first fatality, the first loss of property when the polls are not closed on time and those ballots only received are allowed to be counted, the Trump Administration will arrest John Roberts and drag him from the Supreme Court in chains.
No more of this waiting around for the FBI to do their job. No more pleading for William Barr at DOJ to investigate. No Donald Trump uses Abraham Lincoln's authority and he starts arresting all these treacherous political operatives for endangering the People of the United States.
Nuff Said