Popular Pedophile
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is a reality simmering in the pedophile cover up of Joe Biden and his perverted son Hunter, and it inadvertently was featured by the CIA's Washington Post in this headline and exclusive photo.
This photo clearly shows that Hunter Biden was with Joe Biden in China, not only selling out America, but as the Biden foundation laptop reveals, there was child rape taking place of Chinese children and that was on Hunter Biden's laptop, meaning Joe Biden was there when Hunter Biden was raping children.
Hunter Biden says he will resign from Chinese company ...
There are a number of photos which can be found of Hunter Biden with Chinese and his father with the Chinese dictator.
This is how Hunter Biden was not arrested for being part of child molestation in China and why the Communist Party China, reported the assaults to the American FBI.
Hunter Biden was using mainland China as a Bangkok sex shop. Is the woman below a business associate, a PLA handler or the communist Chinese member who was procuring dope and children for Hunter biden in China, as Barack Obama was setting up a biological weapons lab in Wuhan China.
Every one of these Chinese companies is a front for the PLA. They are funded and supported by the People's Liberation Army of China. This is how Hunter Biden was above the law in China. He was being indulged by the communists in order to blackmail Joe Biden. We know this is serious as Joe Biden lied about not meeting with the communists in his office in Washington DC, as on the laptop there is confirmation the meeting took place.
Is this when the first blackmail took place, and what exactly did the Chicoms get? Was it that Wuhan biological weapon's lab? Just what did Joe Biden go on mission for? Was it for the body of the dead Sheik bin Laden, where a stand in was executed by SEALS who were then murdered? As Obama left for the Chicoms an American stealth helicopter to retrieve in the bin Laden compound in Pakistan.
Just how deep does the espionage go, and how much of it was sealed in the child rape of Chinese children by Hunter Biden?
Just how much of this did Joe Biden know about? How much did the FBI know? How much of this child rape was smuggled into the United States on Air Force II under the protection o Vice President Joe Biden?