Saturday, October 31, 2020

Stanford University Proves Attending Trump Rallies Protected Against Coronavirus




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter


With idiot electioneering headlines like this, the CIA's Mockingbird reveals that the liberal mind is so fuckwards imbecilic that Joe Biden is the rule, not the exception.

One only has to note that Michael Moore is considered an intellectual to understand the halfwits which are epitomized by the Christophobe Meathead Rob Reinger and the hologram Obama, to realize the evidence is that the Buffet BLM are morons and the Soros ANTIFA are simpleton.

18 Trump rallies have led to 30,000 COVID-19 cases: Stanford University study


From the sensational headline, produces a text that the idiot would not bother reading, that the Trump rallies did not produce any deaths among attendees.

Of course the insinuation is that the Trump ralliers went out like Typhoid Mary's infecting poor Grannie and depriving her of seeing her grandchildren, but there is another reality which are the facts.


The authors concluded that the rallies increased subsequent cases of COVID-19 by over 250 infections per 100,000 residents. They found that the events led to over 30,000 new cases in the country and likely resulted in over 700 deaths, but recognized that the deaths were “not necessarily among attendees.”

 Where were Trump rallies held? Metro areas.

As the study, begins in June, the same time that the paid Obama Intifada started burning down the United States, with the help of the media urging the leftist to gather and spread the virus, that it was this leftist plague carriers, surging into Trump rallies to counter protest who are hacking cooties onto Grandma and Grandpa, raising thee infection rate and killing the duffers.

Blaming the President and his supporters is ridiculous when examining the facts of this biological weapon, the inoculation strain, the spread, infection rate and recovery, as the data refutes the charge.

According to the faked Fauci and CDC infection rates, if Donald Trump is responsible for 30 thousand new cases, then who is responsible for the 60 thousand new cases daily?

The fact is the new tests are too sensitive and the new cases are people who show no symptoms. The fact is according to Stanford, that no Trump supporters died or spread the virus to kill anyone. That concludes that being a Trump supporter actually makes an American immune from death by plague.

The fact is as this blog predicted in the time line, there would be a surge of cases to sell the injection cure, but the fact is, as this blog predicted, the S Strain inoculation is progressing spreading immunity in protecting thee entire population.

The projection is, is that Coronavirus will supplant the seasonal influenza as it accomplished last season, thereby actually protecting the population as two virus can not occupy the same population host.

This Mockingbird propaganda seeks to indict the President and his followers as mass murderers for their Constitutional Rights. That is the design of this, as much as Pedo Hunter Biden conditioning the population to be desensitized to child rape.

Human hearts are warm. Human tears are bitter. The azaleas scent is sweet in the same.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

